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2018 Registration document and annual fi nancial report - BNP PARIBAS 7



Presentation of operating divisions and business lines

FRENCH RETAIL BANKING (FRB) With close to 27,000 employees, French Retail Banking (FRB) supports its customers with their plans and projects. FRB offers innovative fi nancing, payment, wealth & asset management, and insurance solutions to 6.7 million individual customers, 585,000 professionals and VSEs, 31,200 corporates (SMEs, mid-sized and large corporates) and some 60,000 associations. Combining the best in digital with a relationship approach that emphasises human interaction, it provides its customers with broad interface capabilities, ranging from essential banking services, through a self-care solution, to customised guidance using dedicated teams that are experts in the relevant fi elds.

To enhance its effi ciency and be closer to its customers, in 2018, French Retail Banking transformed its network management, in particular, by creating ten regions covering 158 territories, thereby ensuring a level of proximity adaptable to each customer type whilst maintaining synergies between business lines.

The network of branches and centres are designed to offer all customers the right facilities for their needs:

■ for individual and professional customers, approximately 1,861 branches and 5,670 ATMs operating under the BNP Paribas and BNP Paribas Banque de Bretagne brands;

■ for Private Banking customers, BNP Paribas has Private Banking centres located throughout France (for customers with more than EUR 250,000 in fi nancial assets) and 9 Wealth Management offi ces (for customers with more than EUR 5 million in fi nancial assets), making BNP Paribas the leading private bank in France;

■ for corporate clients and small businesses, a unique system organised by region:

■ 15 general business centres dedicated to corporate clients,

■ 47 SME centres to help small businesses or VSEs to manage their wealth planning and company life-cycle,

■ 39 WAI hubs to support innovative start-ups and companies by providing an offer dedicated to their specifi c needs;

■ in addition, the Paris region has a specific structure to support corporate and small business clients:

■ 7 general business centres, 3 specialised business centres (Innovation, Real Estate and Institutions/Associations/Foundations) offering customised services in line with the specific needs of corporate clients, as well as 2 skills centres (Bank Agency and Image and Media hub) to address corporate sector challenges,

■ 13 business and advice centres dedicated to SMEs and their managers,

■ 20 business or VSE resource centres focusing on forging closer links with VSEs,

■ 22 WAI hubs including 1 dedicated fi ntech hub,

■ 2 sites dedicated to innovation: WAI Paris and WAI Massy-Saclay, places for acceleration and connection;

■ specialised subsidiaries, including BNP Paribas Factor, one of European leader in factoring, which offers client/supplier management solutions, as well as BNP Paribas Développement, a private equity provider, and Protection 24, a remote surveillance fi rm;

■ customer support centres such as a business assistance service Service Assistance Entreprise (SAE) and a Cash Customer Service (CCS);

■ lastly, 50 production and sales support branches, back offi ces that handle all transaction processing operations.

FRB also provides its clients with a full online relationship capability, based on:

■ a website and the mobile app Mes Comptes , offering services used by more than 3.2 million unique customers per month, including 2.1 million on smartphones and tablets and 1.3 million smartphone-only customers, averaging 15.8 visits per month;

■ 3 customer relationship centres in Paris, Lille and Orléans, which handle requests received by e-mail, phone, chat or secure messaging, and 3 specialist contact centres, Net Épargne/Bourse , Net Crédit and Net Assurance ;

■ BNP Paribas online branch, which offers the full range of BNP Paribas products and services, with a dedicated advisor for individual support; and

■ Hello bank!, the Group s fully online bank, with 430,000 customers at 31 December 2018.

BNP Paribas was voted best private bank in France by Euromoney, PWM- The Banker and World Finance magazines in 2018.

BNL BANCA COMMERCIALE BNL bc is Italy s 6th-largest bank in terms of total assets and customer loans(1). It provides a comprehensive range of banking, fi nancial and insurance products and services to meet the needs of its diversifi ed customer base consisting of:

■ roughly 2.6 million(2) individual customers, including approximately 382,000 Hello bank! customers;

■ 55,000(2) Private Banking clients;

■ 132,500(2) small business and VSE customers;

■ approximately 11,700(2) medium and large corporates;

■ 6,300(2) local authorities and non-profi t organisations.

BNL bc has a strong position in lending, especially residential mortgages (market share of around 6.8%(3)), and has a deposit base (3.6%(3) of household current accounts) well above its market penetration rate (3.0%(3) in terms of branch numbers).

BNL bc is also well established in the markets for corporates (market share of around 4.4%(3) in terms of loans) and local authorities, with recognised expertise in cash management, cross-border payments, project finance, structured finance and factoring via its specialist subsidiary Ifi talia (ranked 3rd in Italy(4)).

(1) Source: annual and periodic reports of BNL and its competitors.

(2) Active clients.

(3) Source: Bank of Italy.

(4) Source: Assifact, ranking by turnover.