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2018 Registration document and annual fi nancial report - BNP PARIBAS222



Notes to the fi nancial statements

The policyholders surplus reserve arises from the application of shadow accounting. It represents the interest of policyholders within French and Italian life insurance subsidiaries in unrealised gains and losses and impairment losses on assets where the benefi t paid under the policy is linked to the return on those assets. It is obtained from stochastic

calculations modelling the unrealised gains and losses attributable to policyholders based on economic scenarios and assumptions as regards rates paid to customers and new business infl ows. For France, this resulted in an interest of 90% in 2018, unchanged from 2017.

The change in technical reserves and liabilities related to insurance contracts breaks down as follows:

In millions of euros Year to 31 Dec. 2018 Year to 31 Dec. 2017

Liabilities related to insurance contracts at start of period 206,970 197,250

Additions to insurance contract technical reserves and deposits taken on fi nancial contracts related to life insurance 20,371 23,219

Claims and benefi ts paid (15,493) (16,830)

Effect of changes in value of admissible investments related to unit-linked business (5,135) 3,393

Effect of movements in exchange rates 34 (566)

Effect of changes in the scope of consolidation 3,003 504

Liabilities related to insurance contracts at end of period 209,750 206,970

See note 5.i for details of reinsurers share of technical reserves.


In millions of euros 31 December 2018

IFRS 9 & IFRS 15 1 January 2018

IFRS 9 & IFRS 15

Current taxes 1,958 1,777

Deferred taxes 5,262 5,591

Current and deferred tax assets 7,220 7,368

Current taxes 1,023 887

Deferred taxes 1,232 1,347

Current and deferred tax liabilities 2,255 2,234

Change in deferred tax by nature over the period:

In millions of euros 1 January 2018

Changes recognised in

profi t or loss

Changes recognised in

equity that may be reclassifi ed to profi t or loss

Changes recognised

in equity that will not be

reclassifi ed to profi t or loss

Effects of exchange

rates, consolidation

scope and other

movements 31 December


Financial instruments (886) (94) 505 (60) 17 (518)

Provisions for employee benefi t obligations 986 (96) - (36) (28) 826

Unrealised fi nance lease reserve (395) 6 - - 8 (381)

Credit risk impairment 3,047 42 - - 22 3,111

Tax loss carryforwards 1,638 (324) - - 16 1,330

Other items (146) (46) - - (146) (338)

NET DEFERRED TAXES 4,244 (512) 505 (96) (111) 4,030

Deferred tax assets 5,591 5,262

Deferred tax liabilities (1,347) (1,232)