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2018 Registration document and annual fi nancial report - BNP PARIBAS588



Founding documents and Articles of association

The Chief Executive Offi cer may be removed from offi ce by the Board of Directors at any time. Damages may be payable to the Chief Executive Offi cer if he is removed from offi ce without a valid reason, except where the Chief Executive Offi cer is also the Chairman of the Board of Directors.

In the event that the Chief Executive Offi cer is a Director, the term of his offi ce as Chief Executive Offi cer shall not exceed that of his term of offi ce as a Director.

Article 16 Upon proposal from the Chief Executive Offi cer, the Board of Directors may, within the limits of French law, appoint one or more individuals, who shall have the title of Chief Operating Offi cer, responsible for assisting the Chief Executive Offi cer.

In agreement with the Chief Executive Offi cer, the Board of Directors shall determine the scope and term of the powers granted to the Chief Operating Officers. However, as far as third parties are concerned, the Chief Operating Offi cers shall have the same powers as the Chief Executive Offi cer.

When the Chief Executive Offi cer ceases to perform his duties or is prevented from doing so, the Chief Operating Officers shall, unless the Board of Directors decides otherwise, retain their functions and responsibilities until a new Chief Executive Offi cer is appointed.

The remuneration of the Chief Operating Officers shall be freely determined by the Board of Directors, at the proposal of the Chief Executive Offi cer.

The Chief Operating Offi cers may be removed from offi ce by the Board of Directors at any time, at the proposal of the Chief Executive Offi cer. Damages may be payable to the Chief Operating Offi cers if they are removed from offi ce without a valid reason.

Where a Chief Operating Offi cer is a Director, the term of his offi ce as Chief Operating Offi cer may not exceed that of his term of offi ce as a Director.

The term of offi ce of the Chief Operating Offi cers shall expire at the latest at the close of the General Shareholders Meeting convened to approve the fi nancial statements for the year in which the Chief Operating Offi cers reach sixty-fi ve years of age. However, the Board may decide to extend the term of offi ce of the Chief Operating Offi cers until the close of the General Shareholders Meeting held to approve the fi nancial statements for the year in which they reach sixty-six years of age.

Article 17 Upon proposal from the Chairman, the Board of Directors may appoint one or two non-voting Directors (censeurs).

Non-voting Directors shall be convened to and take part in Board meetings in an advisory capacity.

They shall be appointed for six years and may be reappointed for further terms. They may also be removed at any time under similar conditions.

They shall be selected from among the Company s shareholders and may receive a remuneration determined by the Board of Directors.



Article 18 General Shareholders Meetings shall be composed of all shareholders.

General Shareholders Meetings shall be convened and deliberate subject to compliance with the provisions of the French Commercial Code (Code de Commerce).

As an exception to the last paragraph of article L.225-123 of the French Commercial Code (Code de Commerce), each share carries one voting right, and no double voting rights are conferred.

They shall be held either at the registered offi ce or at any other location specifi ed in the notice of meeting.

They shall be chaired by the Chairman of the Board of Directors, or, in his absence, by a Director appointed for this purpose by the Shareholders Meeting.

Any shareholder may, subject to providing proof of identity, attend a General Shareholders Meeting, either in person, or by returning a postal vote or by designating a proxy.

Taking part in the meeting is subject to the shares having been entered either in the BNP PARIBAS registered share accounts in the name of the shareholder, or in the bearer share accounts held by the authorised intermediary, within the timeframes and under the conditions provided for by the French regulations in force. In the case of bearer shares, the authorised intermediary shall provide a certifi cate of participation for the shareholders concerned.

The deadline for returning postal votes shall be determined by the Board of Directors and stated in the notice of meeting published in the French Bulletin of Compulsory Legal Announcements (Bulletin des Annonces Légales Obligatoires BALO).

At all General Shareholders Meetings, the voting right attached to the shares bearing benefi cial rights shall be exercised by the benefi cial owner.

If the Board of Directors so decides at the time that the General Shareholders Meeting is convened, the public broadcasting of the entire General Shareholders Meeting by videoconference (visioconference) or all telecommunications and remote transmission means, including Internet, shall be authorised. Where applicable, this decision shall be communicated in the notice of meeting published in the French Bulletin of Compulsory Legal Announcements (Bulletin des Annonces Légales Obligatoires BALO).

Any shareholder may also, if the Board of Directors so decides at the time of convening the General Shareholders Meeting, take part in the vote by videoconference (visioconference) or all telecommunications and remote transmission means, including Internet, subject to compliance with the conditions set out in the applicable laws at the time of its use. If an electronic voting form is used, the shareholder s signature may be in the form of a secured digital signature or a reliable identifi cation process safeguarding the link with the document to which it is attached and may consist, in particular, of a user identifi er and a password. Where applicable, this decision shall be communicated in the notice of meeting published in the French Bulletin of Compulsory Legal Announcements (Bulletin des Annonces Légales Obligatoires BALO).