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2018 Registration document and annual fi nancial report - BNP PARIBAS 587



Founding documents and Articles of association

The Board of Directors deliberations shall be recorded in minutes entered in a special register prepared in accordance with French laws in force and signed by the Chairman of the meeting and one of the Directors who attended the meeting.

The Chairman of the meeting shall appoint the Secretary to the Board, who may be chosen from outside the Board s members.

Copies or excerpts of Board minutes may be signed by the Chairman, the Chief Executive Offi cer, the Chief Operating Offi cers (COOs) or any representative specifi cally authorised for such purpose.

Article 11 The Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting may grant Directors attendance fees under the conditions provided for by French law.

The Board of Directors shall split these fees among its members as it deems appropriate.

The Board of Directors may grant exceptional compensation for specifi c assignments or duties performed by the Directors under the conditions applicable to agreements subject to approval, in accordance with the provisions of Articles L. 225-38 to L. 225-43 of the French Commercial Code (Code de Commerce). The Board may also authorise the reimbursement of travel and business expenses and any other expenses incurred by the Directors in the interests of the Company.



Article 12 The Board of Directors shall determine the business strategy of BNP PARIBAS and supervise the implementation thereof. Subject to the powers expressly conferred on the Shareholders Meetings and within the limit of the corporate purpose, the Board shall handle any issue concerning the smooth running of BNP PARIBAS and settle matters concerning the Company pursuant to its deliberations. The Board of Directors shall receive from the Chairman or the Chief Executive Offi cer all of the documents and information required to fulfi l its duties.

The Board of Directors decisions shall be carried out either by the Chairman, the Chief Executive Offi cer or the Chief Operating Offi cers, or by any special representative appointed by the Board.

Upon proposal from the Chairman, the Board of Directors may decide to set up committees responsible for performing specifi c tasks.

Article 13 The Chairman shall organise and manage the work of the Board of Directors and report thereon to the General Shareholders Meeting. The Chairman shall also oversee the smooth running of BNP PARIBAS s management bodies and ensure, in particular, that the Directors are in a position to fulfi l their duties.

The remuneration of the Chairman of the Board shall be freely determined by the Board of Directors.

Article 14 The Board of Directors shall decide how to organise the Executive Management of the Company: the Executive Management of the Company shall be conducted, under his responsibility, either by the Chairman of the Board of Directors or by another individual appointed by the Board of Directors and who shall have the title of Chief Executive Offi cer.

Shareholders and third parties shall be informed of this choice in accordance with the regulatory provisions in force.

The Board of Directors shall have the right to decide that this choice be for a fi xed term.

In the event that the Board of Directors decides that the Executive Management shall be conducted by the Chairman of the Board, the provisions of these Articles of Association concerning the Chief Executive Offi cer shall apply to the Chairman of the Board of Directors who will in such case have the title of Chairman and Chief Executive Offi cer. He shall be deemed to have automatically resigned at the close of the General Shareholders Meeting held to approve the fi nancial statements for the year in which he reaches sixty-fi ve years of age.

In the event that the Board of Directors decides to dissociate the functions of Chairman and Chief Executive Offi cer, the Chairman shall be deemed to have automatically resigned at the close of the General Shareholders Meeting held to approve the fi nancial statements for the year in which he reaches seventy-two years of age. However, the Board may decide to extend the term of offi ce of the Chairman of the Board until the close of the General Shareholders Meeting held to approve the fi nancial statements for the year in which he reaches seventy-three years of age. The Chief Executive Offi cer shall be deemed to have automatically resigned at the close of the General Shareholders Meeting held to approve the fi nancial statements for the year in which he reaches sixty- fi ve years of age. However, the Board may decide to extend the term of offi ce of the Chief Executive Offi cer until the close of the General Shareholders Meeting held to approve the fi nancial statements for the year in which he reaches sixty-six years of age.

Article 15 The Chief Executive Offi cer shall be vested with the broadest powers to act in all circumstances in the name of BNP PARIBAS. He shall exercise these powers within the limit of the corporate purpose and subject to those powers expressly granted by French law to Shareholders Meetings and the Board of Directors.

He shall represent BNP PARIBAS in its dealings with third parties. BNP PARIBAS shall be bound by the actions of the Chief Executive Offi cer even if such actions are outside the scope of the corporate purpose, unless BNP PARIBAS can prove that the third party knew that the relevant action was outside the scope of the corporate purpose or had constructive knowledge thereof in view of the circumstances. The publication of the Company s Articles of Association alone shall not constitute such proof.

The Chief Executive Offi cer shall be responsible for the organisation and procedures of internal control and for all information required by French law regarding the internal control report.

The Board of Directors may limit the powers of the Chief Executive Offi cer, but such limits shall not be binding as against third parties.

The Chief Executive Offi cer may delegate partial powers, on a temporary or permanent basis, to as many persons as he sees fi t, with or without the option of redelegation.

The remuneration of the Chief Executive Offi cer shall be freely determined by the Board of Directors.