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2018 Registration document and annual fi nancial report - BNP PARIBAS598



Headings as listed by Annex 1 of European Commission Regulation (EC) No. 809/2004 Page

10. Capital resources

10.1. Issuer s capital resources 156-157; 491

10.2. Sources and amounts of cash fl ows 155

10.3. Borrowing requirements and funding structure 138 ; 414-427

10.4. Information regarding any restrictions on the use of capital resources that have materially affected, or could materially affect, the issuer s operations N/A

10.5. Anticipated sources of funds N/A

11. Research and development, patents, and licences N/A

12. Trend information 136-138

13. Profi t forecasts or estimates N/A

14. Administrative, management, and supervisory bodies, and senior management

14.1. Administrative and management bodies 31-45; 98

14.2. Administrative and management bodies confl icts of interest 49-50; 63-64; 74-94

15. Remuneration and benefi ts

15.1. Amount of remuneration paid and benefi ts in kind granted 74-94; 236-244

15.2. Total amounts set aside or accrued by the issuer or its subsidiaries to provide pension, retirement, or similar benefi ts 74-94; 236-244

16. Board practices

16.1. Date of expiry of the current terms of offi ce 31-44

16.2. Information about members of the administrative bodies service contracts with the issuer N/A

16.3. Information about the Audit Committee and Remuneration Committee 53-60

16.4. Corporate governance regime in force in the issuer s country of incorporation 46

17. Employees

17.1. Number of employees 4; 535-536

17.2. Shareholdings and stock options 74-94; 175-176; 540-542

17.3. Description of any arrangements for involving the employees in the capital of the issuer N/A

18. Major shareholders

18.1. Shareholders owning more than 5% of the issuer s capital or voting rights 16-17

18.2. Existence of different voting rights 16

18.3. Control of the issuer 16-17

18.4. Description of any arrangements, known to the issuer, the operation of which may at a subsequent date result in a change of Control of the issuer 17

19. Related party transactions 74-94; 258-259; 590-591

20. Financial information concerning the issuer s assets and liabilities, fi nancial position, and profi ts and losses

20.1. Historical fi nancial information 4; 20; 113-148; 466-502

20.2. Pro forma fi nancial information 138 ; 281

20.3. Financial statements 149-269; 466-502

20.4. Auditing of historical annual fi nancial information 270-276; 503-508

20.5. Age of latest fi nancial information 152 ; 466

20.6. Interim and other fi nancial information N/A

20.7. Dividend policy 20; 23-24; 115; 494

20.8. Legal and arbitration proceedings 248-249

20.9. Signifi cant change in the issuer s fi nancial or trading position 577