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2018 Registration document and annual fi nancial report - BNP PARIBAS38



Corporate governance report

Denis KESSLER Principal function: Chairman and Chief Executive Offi cer of SCOR SE

Date of birth: 25 March 1952 Nationality: French Term start and end dates: 24 May 2018 2021 AGM Date fi rst elected to the Board: 23 May 2000

Offi ces(1) held in listed or unlisted companies of the BNP Paribas Group, in France or abroad: BNP Paribas(*), d irector Offi ces(1) held under the principal function: SCOR SE(*), Chairman and Chief Executive Offi cer Other offi ces (1) held in listed or unlisted companies outside the BNP Paribas Group, including abroad: Invesco Ltd(*) (United States), d irector Participation (1) in specialised committees of French or foreign companies: BNP Paribas, Chairman of the Financial Statements Committtee Invesco Ltd, Member of the Audit Committee, the Remuneration Committee, the Nominations and Corporate Governance Committee SCOR SE, Chairman of the Strategic Committee Other(1): Association de Genève, d irector Global Reinsurance Forum - Reinsurance Advisory Board, member Institut des Sciences morales et politiques, member French Institute of Actuaries, qualifi ed member

Number of BNP Paribas shares held(1): 2,684 Offi ce address: 5, avenue Kléber


Education Degree in Economic Science Degree in Social Science Doctor of Economic Science Graduate of the French École des Hautes Études Commerciales French Institute of Actuaries, qualifi ed member

Functions at previous year-ends (the companies listed are the parent companies of the groups in which the functions were carried out)

2017: Chairman and Chief Executive Offi cer: SCOR SE Director: BNP Paribas, Invesco Ltd (United States) Member: Board of directors of Association de Genève, Global Reinsurance Forum - Reinsurance Advisory Board, Conference Board (Global counsellor) Institut des sciences morales et politiques , Institute of Actuaries

2016: Chairman and Chief Executive Offi cer: SCOR SE Director: BNP Paribas, Invesco Ltd (United States) Member: Board of directors of Association de Genève, Global Reinsurance Forum - Reinsurance Advisory Board, Conference Board (Global counsellor)

2015: Chairman and Chief Executive Offi cer: SCOR SE Director: BNP Paribas, Invesco Ltd (United States) Member: Board of directors of the Association de Genève, Bureau of the French insurance companies federation (Fédération Française des Sociétés d Assurance), Global Reinsurance Forum - Reinsurance Advisory Board, Conference Board (Global counsellor)

2014: Chairman and Chief Executive Offi cer: SCOR SE Director: BNP Paribas, Invesco Ltd (United States) Member of the Supervisory Board: Yam Invest NV (Netherlands) Member: Board of directors of the Geneva Association, Board of directors of the Association Le Siècle, Global Reinsurance Forum-Reinsurance Advisory Board Laboratoire d Excellence Finance et Croissance Durable (LabexFCD), Conference Board (Global counsellor)

(1) At 31 December 2018. (*) Listed company.