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2018 Registration document and annual fi nancial report - BNP PARIBAS4



Group presentation

1.1 Group presentation

BNP Paribas, Europe s leading provider of banking and fi nancial services, has four domestic Retail Banking markets in Europe, namely in France, Belgium, Italy and Luxembourg.

It operates in 72 countries and has more than 202,000 employees, including over 154,000 in Europe. BNP Paribas holds key positions in its two main businesses:

■ Retail Banking and Services, which includes:

■ Domestic Markets, comprising:

■ French Retail Banking (FRB),

■ BNL banca commerciale (BNL bc), Italian retail banking,

■ Belgian Retail Banking (BRB),

■ Other Domestic Markets activities including Luxembourg Retail Banking (LRB);

■ International Financial Services, comprising:

■ Europe-Mediterranean,

■ BancWest,

■ Personal Finance,

■ Insurance,

■ Wealth and Asset Management;

■ Corporate and Institutional Banking (CIB):

■ Corporate Banking,

■ Global Markets,

■ Securities Services.

BNP Paribas SA is the parent company of the BNP Paribas Group.

1.2 Key fi gures


2014(****) 2015 2016 2017 2018

Revenues (in millions of euros) 39,168 42,938 43,411 43,161 42,516

Gross operating income (in millions of euros) 12,644 13,684 14,033 13,217 11,933

Net income Group share (in millions of euros) 157 6,694 7,702 7,759 7,526

Earnings per share (in euros)(*) 4.70(**) 5.14 6.00 6.05 5.73

Return on equity(***) 7.7%(**) 8.3% 9.3% 8.9% 8.2%

(*) Based on net income Group share adjusted for interest on Undated Super Subordinated Notes deemed equivalent to preferred shares issued by BNP Paribas SA and treated as a dividend for accounting purposes.

(**) Excluding the costs related to the comprehensive settlement with the US authorities. Excluding this effect, net earnings per share came to -EUR 0.07 and return on equity stood at -0.1%.

(***) Return on equity is calculated by dividing net income attributable to equity holders (adjusted for interest on Undated Super Subordinated N otes issued by BNP Paribas SA, treated as a dividend for accounting purposes and adjusted for the foreign exchange effect on redeemed Undated S uper S ubordinated N otes) by average permanent shareholders equity, not revaluated, between the beginning of the year and the end of the year (shareholders equity attributable to equity holders adjusted for changes in assets and liabilities recognised directly in equity, Undated S uper S ubordinated N otes, remuneration net of tax payable to holders of Undated S uper S ubordinated N otes and proposed distribution of dividends) .

(****) Figures restated following the application of IFRIC 21 interpretation.


31/12/2013 31/12/2014 31/12/2015 31/12/2016 31/12/2017 31/12/2018

Market capitalisation (in billions of euros) 70.5 61.4 65.1 75.5 77.7 49.3

Source: Bloomberg.