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2018 Registration document and annual fi nancial report - BNP PARIBAS326



Risk management [Audited]

Role of the Chief Risk Offi cer

The Group Chief Risk Offi cer directly reports to the Chief Executive Offi cer and sits on the Executive Committee of BNP Paribas. He has line authority over all RISK employees. He can veto the risk-related decisions and has no connection, in terms of authority, with the Heads of core businesses, business lines and territories. This positioning serves the following purposes:

■ ensuring the objectivity of risk control, by removing any involvement in commercial relationships;

■ making sure senior management is warned of any deterioration in risk and is rapidly provided with objective and comprehensive information on the status of risks;

■ enabling the dissemination, throughout the Bank, of high and uniform risk management standards and practices;

■ ensuring the quality of risk assessment methods and procedures by calling on professional risk managers in charge of evaluating and enhancing these methods and procedures in light of the best practices implemented by international competitors.

Role of the Chief Compliance Offi cer

The Chief Compliance Offi cer directly reports to the Chief Executive Offi cer and sits on the Executive Committee of BNP Paribas. He has direct access, if necessary, to the Board of directors and its Internal Control, Risk Management and Compliance Committee. He has no operational activity outside of compliance and reputation risk and no commercial activity, which guarantees his independence of action. As the person responsible for the Compliance Function, he exercises a hierarchical supervision over all the compliance teams in the various business units, geographical areas and functions.

The Compliance Function s mission is to issue opinions and decisions, and provide oversight and second-line controls, in order to give reasonable assurance that the Group s compliance oversight procedures for its transactions are effective and consistent, and that its reputation has been protected.


ONE OF THE GROUP S CORE FOUNDING PRINCIPLES The BNP Paribas Group has a strong risk and compliance culture.

Executive Management has chosen to include the risk culture in three of its key corporate culture documents:

■ Code of conduct:

The Group adopted a new C ode of conduct in 2016. It applies to all employees and defi nes the rules for our conduct in line with the core values of our corporate culture. For example, employees are reminded in the C ode of conduct that the Group s interests are protected by responsible risk-taking in a strict control environment. The C ode of conduct also includes rules for protecting customers interests, fi nancial security, market integrity and professional ethics, which all play an important role in mitigating compliance and reputation risks;

■ Responsibility Charter:

Executive Management drew up a formal Responsibility Charter, inspired by the Group s core values (the BNP Paribas Way ), management principles and C ode of conduct. One of the four commitments is Being prepared to take risks, while ensuring close risk control .

The Group sees rigorous risk control as part of its responsibility, both to clients and to the fi nancial system as a whole. The bank s decisions on the commitments it makes are reached after a rigorous and concerted process, based on a strong, shared risk culture which pervades all levels of the Group. This is true both for risks linked to lending activities, where loans are granted only after in-depth analysis of the borrower s situation and the project to be fi nanced, and for market risks arising from transactions with clients these are assessed on a daily basis, tested against stress scenarios, and subject to limits.

As a strongly diversified Group, both in terms of geography and businesses, BNP Paribas is able to balance risks and their consequences as they materialise. The Group is organised and managed in such a way that any diffi culties arising in one business area will not jeopardise another in the Bank;

■ The Group s mission and commitments:

The mission of BNP Paribas is to fi nance the economy and advise its clients, by supporting them with their projects, their investments, and the management of their savings, guided by strong ethical principles. Through these activities, BNP Paribas wants to have a positive impact on stakeholders and on society, and be one of the most trustworthy players in the sector. BNP Paribas twelve commitments as a Responsible Bank (see section 7.2 Economic Responsibility: fi nancing the economy in an ethical manner) include in particular the commitment to fi nance the economy ethically, and the commitments to apply the highest ethical standards and rigorously manage environmental, social, and governance risks.

SPREADING THE RISK CULTURE Robust risk management is an integral part of the Bank s makeup. A culture of risk management and control has always been one of its top priorities.

BNP Paribas launched the Risk Academy, a Group-wide initiative, giving it the objective of disseminating the best practices in risk management.