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2018 Registration document and annual fi nancial report - BNP PARIBAS 557




Duty of care and Modern Slavery Act and human traffi cking statement

COP24: PROMOTING GROUP ACTIONS IN THE FIGHT AGAINST CLIMATE CHANGE Several BNP Paribas representatives spoke at the COP24 in Poland, notably at a conference on the commitment of BGZ the Polish subsidiary of BNP Paribas to participate in a United Nations Global Compact programme in Poland on Sustainable Cities and Communities (SDG 11). Several experts also participated in round tables on agro- ecology, scientifi c research on climate change adaptation in Africa, and nature-based climate solutions.

The 4th Global Youth Video Competition, an international competition for young people committed to the fi ght against climate change, was also held during COP24. More than 968 entries, including 300 eligible documentaries from 110 countries, were submitted for the 2018 edition. The BNP Paribas Foundation supported this competition which was launched by the UNFCCC.

2018: INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF THE CORAL REEF Several other actions underscored the commitment of the BNP Paribas Foundation this year.

■ through its support for the Reef Services project, the Group supports research that is aimed at measuring and predicting the consequences of global warming on coral reefs, and which highlights the services that these render to ecosystems;

■ another fl agship action is the Corals Matter online platform, developed by the Group in collaboration with the ASTC (Association of Science- Technology Centres) intended to provide the general public with the tools and information needed to protect the coral reefs.

7.6 Duty of care and Modern Slavery Act and human traffi cking statement


REGULATORY FRAMEWORK Law no. 2017-399 of 27 March 2017 on the Duty of care of parent companies and of companies using sub-contractors applies to the Group as a whole and requires a vigilance plan to be established and implemented to identify and prevent the risk of serious violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms, and of harm to human health and safety and to the environment. Starting with the 2018 fi nancial year, the law also requires the preparation of a report on the effective implementation of the Group s vigilance plan.

GOVERNANCE Initiated and overseen by Group Management, the CSR policy is a strategic issue for BNP Paribas. It refl ects a commitment at the highest level of the c ompany, to combine performance, responsibility, ethics and transparency. CSR objectives were included in the Group s 2017-2020 business development plan.

Actions related to Group vigilance measures are defi ned by the CSR Function and jointly designed with the relevant stakeholders concerned in the main businesses and functions: Domestic Markets, International Financial Services, Corporate & Institutional Banking, Group Human Resources, Group Procurement , Compliance, Risks and Legal. These

actions are intended to cover all of the Group s businesses, functions and countries of operation. In 2018, vigilance measures were discussed and approved at four meetings of the Group Supervision and Control Committee (GSCC), which is composed of members of the Executive Committee and chaired by the Chief Executive Offi cer.

For the analysis of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) risks, the CSR Department relies on the various businesses, which constitute the fi rst line of defence. The CSR Function supports businesses in the most complex analyses, providing its thematic and industry expertise. Since the fi rst half of 2018, the GSCC has commissioned the Risks Function to carry out a second-level control of the CSR analyses realized in the credit and investment decision processes. Within the Group s risk appetite framework, two CSR indicators are also monitored: the evolution of the energy mix fi nanced by the Group, and the coverage of the loan portfolio by specifi c CSR procedures.

Executive Management made a series of commitments on the environment as of 2011, and on Human Rights as of 2012, by signing the Declaration of Human Rights. In 2016, the Group s management reiterated its strong commitment to respecting human rights and protecting the environment through the publication of its C ode of conduct applicable to all employees around the world. The latest update was published in 2018.