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2018 Registration document and annual fi nancial report - BNP PARIBAS 601



V. Extra-fi nancial performance statement and vigilance plan

Information (reference texts)

■ Information on the labour and environmental impact relating to the Company, subsidiaries and controlled companies (L.225-102-1 and R. 225-105 of the French Commercial Code) 510-571

■ Information on the effects of the Company s activity with respect to respect for H uman rights and fi ght against corruption and tax evasion (L.225-102-1 and R. 225-105 of the French Commercial Code) 522; 557-562

■ Information on the Company, subsidiaries and controlled companies, relating to: ■ the consequences of climate change on the business and the use of goods and services, ■ social commitments to promote sustainable development, the circular economy, the fi ght against food

waste and food poverty, respect for animal welfare and responsible, fair and sustainable food, ■ actions to fi ght against discrimination and promote diversity, 511-574

■ Collective agreements agreed in the Company, subsidiaries and controlled companies and their impacts on the economic performance of the Company, subsidiaries and controlled companies as well as on employee working conditions (L.225-102-1 and R. 225-105 of the French Commercial Code) 531-545

■ Information for companies operating at least one facility listed under article L.515-36 of the French Environmental Code (L.225-102-2 of the French Commercial Code) N/A

■ Company s business plan (R. 225-105 of the French Commercial Code) 4; 6-15

■ Social, environmental and civic information relevant to the main risks and policies of the company, its subsidiaries and controlled companies (R. 225-105 II of the French Commercial Code) Chapter 7

■ Vigilance plan (L.225-102-4 of the French Commercial Code) 557-561

VI. Report on corporate governance

Information (reference texts)

■ Information on the remuneration policy for executive corporate offi cers (L.225-37-2 of the French Commercial Code) 74-78

■ Total remuneration and benefi ts in kind paid by the Company, companies controlled by it or the company that controls it to each corporate offi cer of the Company during the year (L.225-37-3 of the French Commercial Code) 78-93

■ Commitments of any kind made by the Company for the benefi t of its corporate offi cers (L.225-37-3 of the French Commercial Code) 78; 81-93

■ Holding conditions for free shares allocated to executive corporate offi cers (L.225-197-1 of the French Commercial Code) N/A

■ Conditions for exercising and holding options granted to corporate offi cers (L.225-185 of the French Commercial Code) 82

■ List of all directorships and positions held in any company by each corporate offi cer during the year (L.225-37-4 1° of the French Commercial Code) 31-45

■ Agreements entered into by one of the Company s corporate offi cers and a subsidiary of the Company (L.225-37-4 2° of the French Commercial Code) 46

■ Summary table of capital increase delegations (L.225-37-4 3° of the French Commercial Code) 94 -97

■ Arrangements for exercising general management (L.225-37-4 4° of the French Commercial Code) 48

■ Composition, and conditions governing the preparation and organisation of the work, of the Board of directors (L.225-37-4 5° of the French Commercial Code) 31-44; 53-60

■ Description of the diversity policy applied to the members of the Board of directors, as well as the objectives, how the policy was implemented and results obtained during the past fi nancial year (L.225-37-4 6° of the French Commercial Code) 50-51; 67-73

■ Information on steps to ensure balanced representation of men and women in management bodies and gender balance results in the top 10% of positions of higher levels of responsibility (L.225-37-4 6° of the French Commercial Code) 30; 534 ; 558