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2018 Registration document and annual fi nancial report - BNP PARIBAS 81



Corporate governance report

Breakdown over time of the payment of remuneration in respect of 2018


May 2019 (1)

March 2020

Cash indexed to the BNP Paribas share price


March 2020 (2)

March 2021

March 2022

March 2022

March 2023

March 2021

Multi-annual variable

remuneration (3)

Fixed remuneration

A nn

ua l v

ar ia

bl e

re m

un er

at io


Non-deferred portion

Amounts paid subject to condition that the consolidated pre-tax ROE for the year preceding the payment is greater than 5%

Amounts subject to clawback

February 2024

1/10 March 20231/10




March 2024

1/10 March 2024

1/10 March 2025








(1) Award in March 2019 and payment deferred until May 2019 subject to the approval of the Shareholders' Annual General Meeting under the terms provided for by article L.225-100 of the French Commercial Code. (2) Payment at the end of a one-year holding period starting on the date of the annual variable remuneration award. (3) The LTIP is a 5-year plan, payment will be made at the end of the five-year period. (4) Cash indexed to the relative performance of the BNP Paribas share relative to the performance of the EURO STOXX Banks index.

Deferred portion

February 2024 (4)

Total remuneration awarded in respect of 2018 and comparison with 2017

In euros

Jean-Laurent Bonnafé Philippe Bordenave

2017 2018 2017 2018

Fixed remuneration amount 1,562,000 1,562,000 1,000,000 1,000,000

Annual variable remuneration awarded 1,576,758 1,470,245 1,009,448 941,258

Sub-total 3,138,758 3,032,245 2,009,448 1,941,258

LTIP amount (fair value)(*) 479,065 282,644 306,700 180,950

TOTAL 3,617,823 3,314,889 2,316,148 2,122,208

(*) This is an estimated value on the award date. The fi nal amount will be known on the date of payment.

III. Top-up pension plan Jean Lemierre, Jean-Laurent Bonnafé and Philippe Bordenave are not covered by any defi ned-benefi t top-up pension plans.

The executive corporate officers benefit solely from the defined- contribution top-up pension plan set up for all BNP Paribas SA employees, in accordance with article 83 of the French General Tax Code. The amount of contributions paid by the Company in 2018 was EUR 1,708 per benefi ciary for the whole year.

IV. Welfare benefi t plans The Chairman of the Board of directors, the Chief Executive Offi cer and the Chief Operating Offi cer are entitled to the same fl exible welfare benefi ts (death and disability cover, as well as the common healthcare benefi t scheme) as all BNP Paribas SA employees and corporate offi cers.

They also receive death and disability insurance, which covers all employees of BNP Paribas SA.

The total amount of contributions paid by BNP Paribas for welfare benefi t plans and health cover amounted to EUR 3,217 per benefi ciary for the full year.