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2018 Registration document and annual fi nancial report - BNP PARIBAS586



Founding documents and Articles of association



Article 7 The Company shall be governed by a Board of Directors composed of:

1/ Directors appointed by the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting

There shall be at least nine and no more than eighteen Directors. Directors elected by the employees shall not be included when calculating the minimum and maximum number of Directors.

They shall be appointed for a three-year term.

When a Director is appointed to replace another Director, in accordance with applicable French laws and regulations in force, the new Director s term of offi ce shall be limited to the remainder of the predecessor s term.

A Director s term of offi ce shall end at the close of the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting convened to deliberate on the fi nancial statements for the previous fi nancial year and held in the year during which the Director s term of offi ce expires.

Directors may be re-appointed, subject to the provisions of French law, in particular with regard to their age.

Each Director, including Directors elected by employees, must own at least 10 Company shares.

2/ Directors elected by BNP PARIBAS SA employees

The status of these Directors and the related election procedures shall be governed by Articles L. 225-27 to L. 225-34 of the French Commercial Code (Code de Commerce) as well as by the provisions of these Articles of Association.

There shall be two such Directors one representing executive staff and the other representing non-executive staff.

They shall be elected by BNP PARIBAS SA employees.

They shall be elected for a three-year term.

Elections shall be organised by the Executive Management. The timetable and terms and conditions for elections shall be drawn up by the Executive Management in consultation with the national trade union representatives within the Company such that the second round of elections shall be held no later than fi fteen days before the end of the term of offi ce of the outgoing Directors.

Each candidate shall be elected on a majority basis after two rounds held in each of the electoral colleges.

Each application submitted during the fi rst round of elections shall include both the candidate s name and the name of a substitute, if any.

Applications may not be amended during the second round of elections.

The candidates shall belong to the electoral college where they stand for election.

Applications other than those presented by a trade union representative within the Company must be submitted together with a document including the names and signatures of one hundred electors belonging to the electoral college where the candidate is presenting for election.

Article 8 The Chairman of the Board of Directors shall be appointed from among the members of the Board of Directors.

Upon proposal from the Chairman, the Board of Directors may appoint one or more Vice-Chairmen.

Article 9 The Board of Directors shall meet as often as necessary in the best interests of the Company. Board meetings shall be convened by the Chairman. Where requested by at least one-third of the Directors, the Chairman may convene a Board meeting with respect to a specifi c agenda, even if the last Board meeting was held less than two months before. The Chief Executive Offi cer (CEO) may also request that the Chairman convene a Board meeting to discuss a specifi c agenda.

Board meetings shall be held either at the Company s registered offi ce, or at any other location specifi ed in the notice of meeting.

Notices of meetings may be communicated by any means, including verbally.

The Board of Directors may meet and make valid decisions at any time, even if no notice of meeting has been communicated, provided all its members are present or represented.

Article 10 Board meetings shall be chaired by the Chairman, by a Director recommended by the Chairman for such purpose or, failing this, by the oldest Director present.

Any Director may attend a Board meeting and take part in its deliberations by videoconference (visioconférence) or all telecommunications and remote transmission means, including Internet, subject to compliance with the conditions set out in applicable legislation at the time of its use.

Any Director who is unable to attend a Board meeting may ask to be represented by a fellow Director, by granting a written proxy, valid for only one specifi c meeting of the Board. Each Director may represent only one other Director.

At least half of the Board members must be present for decisions taken at Board meetings to be valid.

Should one or both of the offi ces of Director elected by employees remain vacant, for whatever reason, without the possibility of a replacement as provided for in Article L. 225-34 of the French Commercial Code (Code de Commerce), the Board of Directors shall be validly composed of the members elected by the General Shareholders Meeting and may validly meet and vote.

Members of the Company s Executive Management may, at the request of the Chairman, attend Board meetings in an advisory capacity.

A permanent member of the Company s Central Works Committee, appointed by said Committee, shall attend Board meetings in an advisory capacity, subject to compliance with the provisions of French laws in force.

Decisions shall be made by a majority of Directors present or represented. In the event of a split decision, the Chairman of the meeting shall have the casting vote, except as regards the proposed appointment of the Chairman of the Board of Directors.