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2018 Registration document and annual fi nancial report - BNP PARIBAS 51



Corporate governance report

Director Age Gender Nationality Areas of expertise End of term of offi ce

Jean LEMIERRE (Chairman)

68 M French Banking/Finance Risks/Regulation monitoring International


Jean-Laurent BONNAFÉ (Director, Chief Executive Offi cer)

57 M French Banking/Finance Business operations International


Jacques ASCHENBROICH 64 M French Industrialist International Transformation


Pierre André DE CHALENDAR 60 M French Industrialist International CSR


Monique COHEN 62 F French Banking/Finance Business operations CSR


Wouter DE PLOEY 53 M Belgian Banking/Finance Digital Transformation


Rajna GIBSON- BRANDON 56 F Swi ss Financial markets Risks/Regulation monitoring CSR


Marion GUILLOU 64 F French Risks/Regulation monitoring CSR Technology


Hugues EPAILLARD (Director elected by employees)

52 M French Organisation representing employees 2021

Denis KESSLER 66 M French Insurance Business operations Risks/Regulation monitoring


Daniela SCHWARZER 45 F German Money markets Geopolitics International


Michel TILMANT 66 M Belgian Banking/Finance Risks/ Regulation Monitoring International


Sandrine VERRIER (Director elected by employees)

39 F French Organisation representing employees 2021

Fields WICKER-MIURIN 60 F British/ American

Banking/Finance Financial markets International


1.c Directors Ethical Conduct

■ As far as the Board is aware, there are no confl icts of interests between BNP Paribas and any of the d irectors . The Suitability policy requires d irectors to report any situation likely to constitute a confl ict of interest to the Chairman and the Board of directors who may then ask the d irector in question to refrain from taking part in voting on the relevant issues.

■ As far as the Board is aware, none of the Board members has been found guilty of fraud or been associated, as member of an administrative, management or supervisory body, or as Chief Executive Offi cer, with any insolvency, receivership or liquidation proceedings during at least the last fi ve years.

■ As far as the Board is aware, no member of the Board of directors is subject to any offi cial public accusation and/or penalty. No d irector

has been prohibited from acting in an offi cial capacity during at least the last fi ve years.

■ There are no arrangements or agreements with key shareholders, customers, suppliers or other persons that involve the selection of any member of the Board of directors.

■ The d irectors must carry out their duties in a responsible manner, particularly as regards the regulations relating to insider dealing. They are notably required to comply with legal requirements relating to being in possession of insider information. Under the terms of the Internal r ules, they must also refrain from carrying out any transactions in BNP Paribas shares that could be regarded as speculative (article 4.3.1 of the Internal r ules). They are informed of the periods during which they may, except in special circumstances, carry out any transactions in BNP Paribas shares (article 4.3.1 of the Internal r ules).