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2018 Registration document and annual fi nancial report - BNP PARIBAS 25



BNP Paribas and its shareholders

REGISTERED SHARES HELD IN AN ADMINISTERED ACCOUNT BNP Paribas is also extending its administered share account services to institutional shareholders. For institutional shareholders, this type of account combines the main benefi ts of holding shares in bearer form with those of holding registered shares directly with BNP Paribas:

■ shares can be traded at any time, through the shareholder s usual broker;

■ the shareholder can have a single share account, combined with a cash account;

■ the shareholder is automatically invited to attend and vote at Annual General Meetings, without the invitation being sent through a third party;

■ shareholders may receive notice of meetings and vote at Annual General Meetings online.


The procedures for BNP Paribas Annual General Meetings are defi ned in article 18 of the Bank s Articles of association.

The Board of directors calls an Ordinary Shareholders Meeting at least once a year to vote on the agenda set by the Board.

The Board may call Extraordinary Shareholders Meetings for the purpose of amending the Articles of association, and especially to increase the Bank s share capital. Resolutions are adopted by a two-thirds majority of shareholders present or represented.

The combined Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meeting may be called in a single notice of meeting and held on the same date.

The Bank s last Annual General Meeting took place on 24 May 2018 on fi rst notice. The text of the resolutions and the video of the meeting can be viewed on the BNP Paribas website, which is where the original live webcast was shown. The composition of the quorum and the results of the votes cast on resolutions were posted online the day after the meeting. The meeting was also covered by publications in the specialist press and a specifi c letter was sent to shareholders summarising the meeting.

The quorum broke down as follows:


Number of shareholders (%) Shares (%)

Present 1,457 10.13% 167,270,818 20.69%

Appointment of proxy 437 3.04% 82,261 0.01%

Proxy given to Chairman 7,082 49.24% 3,100,806 0.38%

Postal votes 5,406 37.59% 638,222,634 78.92%

TOTAL 14,382 100.00% 808,676,519 100.00%

of which online 9,775 67.97% 279,214,216 34.53%


Number of ordinary shares (excluding treasury stock) 1,248,546,972 64.76%

Of the 9,775 shareholders who took part in our last Annual General Meeting online:

■ 581 had requested an admission card;

■ 5,716 had given the Chairman a proxy;

■ 428 had given a third party (who, by law, must also be a shareholder) a mandate/proxy;

■ 3,050 had voted by post.

All resolutions proposed to the shareholders were approved.