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2018 Registration document and annual fi nancial report - BNP PARIBAS 561




Duty of care and Modern Slavery Act and human traffi cking statement


The Modern Slavery Act ( MSA ) came into force in the United Kingdom in 2015. It requires large organisations doing business in the UK to produce a Slavery and Human Traffi cking statement. The Act applies to both organisation subsidiaries and the parent organisation if they carry on a business or part of a business in the UK.

This Statement(1)relates the steps that BNP Paribas has taken to ensure that slavery and human traffi cking are not taking place in its direct operations or supply chains. It also refers to the risk management that the Group has put in place in the context of its fi nancing and investment activities, which govern the potential cases of human rights violations that may affect the activities of its clients. This Statement is for the fi nancial year ended 31 December 2018. The Board and CEO attest annually that the Group complies with this Statement through the information provided by the respective departments of Corporate Social Responsibility ( CSR ), Procurement and Human Resources.

INTRODUCTION BNP Paribas is a leading bank in Europe with an international reach. It operates in 72 countries and has more than 202, 000 employees, including nearly 155,000 in Europe. The Group has key positions in its three main activities: Domestic Markets and International Financial Services (whose retail-banking networks and fi nancial services are covered by Retail Banking & Services) and Corporate & Institutional Banking, which serves two client franchises: corporate clients and institutional investors.

BNP Paribas has had a presence in the UK for nearly 150 years. The UK is a key hub for the Group with a presence across BNP Paribas core businesses: Corporate & Institutional Banking and Retail Banking & Services. There are about 7,900 employees in the UK with more than half based in and around London.

BNP Paribas seeks to be a contributor to responsible and sustainable global development. The Bank s ambition is to have a positive impact on its stakeholders and on the wider society. That is why the Group upholds the highest standard of conduct and ethics in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.

OUR COMMITMENT AND POLICIES BNP Paribas is committed to respecting a number of principles and norms which underpin the way it does business:

■ the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals;

■ the 10 Principles of the United Nations Global Compact;

■ the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights;

■ the internationally-accepted OECD Guidelines for multinational enterprises;

■ the internationally-accepted standards of human rights, as defi ned in the International Bill of Human Rights;

■ the core labour standards set out by the International Labour Organisation.

In addition to these public commitments, Group Policies are in place, which contribute to tackling numerous subjects on social, environmental and governance issues, including human rights violations. These include:

■ BNP Paribas Group C ode of conduct;

■ the BNP Paribas statement on Human Rights;

■ the BNP Paribas Suppliers CSR Charter;

■ the BNP Paribas Responsible Business Principles .

OUR EMPLOYEES BNP Paribas commits to offer a working environment in which all employees are treated fairly. In particular, the Group focuses on respect, the need to apply the most stringent norms of professional behaviour and rejects all forms of discrimination. The existing Group s permanent policies and procedures notably include the Diversity policy and the remuneration principles which reaffi rm the non-discrimination principle in the recruitment and career management of the employees. The BNP Paribas' C ode of conduct, whose rules must be understood and followed by all employees, confi rms the Group s commitment against harassment, including sexual harassment.

On this basis, everyone within the Group has the responsibility to treat all colleagues with respect; make sure that interactions with colleagues are professional and effective at all times; listen to and value the input from colleagues, even if they express different views.

The BNP Paribas agreement on fundamental rights and the establishment of global minimum social standards ( Global a greement ), signed with the UNI Global Union on 18 September 2018, sets up an ambitious plan to fi ght against inequalities and indecent working conditions in all countries where the Group operates.

RAISING CONCERNS All BNP Paribas employees should report any proven or suspected breach of the Group s C ode of conduct or of a Group policy, procedure or regulation to their line manager.

Alternatively, they are entitled to raise an ethical alert within the framework of the Group whistleblowing procedure.

(1) This Statement applies to all companies within the BNP Paribas Group that are required to have a slavery and modern traffi cking statement, except where they have chosen to produce their own statement.