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2018 Registration document and annual fi nancial report - BNP PARIBAS548



Our civic responsibility: being a positive agent for change


A player in combating social exclusion for many years, BNP Paribas works on providing long-term support in the areas of at risk communities, in particular in sensitive urban areas. More broadly, its commitment to promoting human rights continues to gain strength.


Projet Banlieues: an initiative to foster social inclusion in disadvantaged urban areas

The BNP Paribas Foundation and the French Retail Banking (FRB) network support community projects in priority urban areas, working closely with people affected by economic and social exclusion, in particular young people. The BNP Paribas Foundation therefore supports a wide range of associations renowned for their work in the fi eld of social inclusion.

For young people Multiple social inclusion actions target young people including some fl agship measures carried out in 2018. T he fi ght against academic failure with the Afev association enabled 4,200 children and young people to be supported; and a school mentoring programme set up by Proxité benefi ted 1,150 people.

In addition to this, the BNP Paribas Foundation pursued its policy of supporting local associations, to foster social ties in priority urban neighbourhoods . In 2018, 143 associations benefi ted from the Foundation s EUR 452,000 budget, including 66 which are more specifi cally dedicated to young people.

For r esidents of disadvantaged urban areas in search of work With more than EUR 12 million in subsidies granted between 2006 and 2018, BNP Paribas is a key partner of Adie. In 2018, the Group contributed signifi cantly to the development of Adie s activity by directly supporting 16 of its branches installed in priority urban neighbourhoods . By reinforcing its local roots, supporting its communication with potential creators and offering the means to manage its so-called neighbourhood teams, BNP Paribas enabled the association to fund more than 4,000 people in 2018. 4,200 micro-companies were thus created and 1,800 developed. In total, 7,800 jobs were created or maintained through this joint action.

BNP PARIBAS IS COMMITTED TO RESPECTING HUMAN RIGHTS BNP Paribas adheres to internationally-recognised human rights standards. The Group supports the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, in accordance with the Protect, Respect and Remedy framework. It has also chosen to follow the recommendations of the United Nations Guiding Principles Reporting Framework, launched in February 2015.

Commitment at the highest level

In 2012, the Executive Management signed the BNP Paribas Human Rights Declaration committing the organisation to ensuring that human rights are respected within its sphere of infl uence, which includes employees, suppliers, customers and communities. Furthermore, two human rights related indicators are included in the nine 2016-2018 CSR management indicators used to calculate the deferred variable remuneration for the top 6,750 key employees (see Our strategy , chapter 7.1).

Specifi city of the banking industry

Since 2013, BNP Paribas has been taking part in the meetings of the Thun group, an informal group representing international banks which meets to discuss the application of the Protect, Respect, Remedy framework. The activities of BNP Paribas s customers may pose a risk to human rights. To ensure respect for human rights, banks are thus faced with specifi c challenges and increasing complexity.

The Thun group endeavours in particular to share its expertise and experiences to improve the integration of the UN Guiding Principles in the policies and practices of fi nancial institutions. Every year, it organises a meeting where stakeholders are invited to exchange ideas, and if possible develop them further.


The Group focuses on employee training, which is an important component of its human rights risks management process .

At the end of 2018, 85% of the employees assigned the training had completed the online awareness module about taking human rights into account in funding decisions, i.e. 7,552 people.

Management of indirect salient risks in the management of distribution of the Group s fi nancial products and services

BNP Paribas has identified two main risks in the distribution of its products and services:

■ non-discrimination in access to financial services;

■ right to privacy (protection of clients personal data).

Non-discrimination in access to fi nancial services The Group considers that sustainable economic development promotes wider access to fundamental rights. For that reason, it strives to boost access to financial services in the communities in which it operates. (see Commitment 7: Products and services that are widely accessible, Commitment 7).