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2018 Registration document and annual fi nancial report - BNP PARIBAS 425



Liquidity risk


In millions of euros

TOTAL 31 December

2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024- 2028

Beyond 2028 Perpetual

Amount(***) of liabilities eligible to Additionnal Tier 1 7,209 68 - 1,325 1,460 - 2,794 820 742

Subordinated debt 669 - - - - - - - 669

of which subordinated debt at amortis ed cost - - - - - - - - -

of which subordinated debt at fair value through profi t and loss 669 - - - - - - - 669

Preferred shares and Undated Super Subordinated Notes(**) 6,540 68 - 1,325 1,460 - 2,794 820 73

Amount(***) of debt eligible to Tier 2 15,830 168 492 1,787 1,236 513 10,717 918 -

Subordinated debt 15,830 168 492 1,787 1,236 513 10,717 918

of which subordinated debt at amortised cost 15,714 168 426 1,777 1,217 513 10,717 897

of which subordinated debt at fair value through profi t and loss 116 - 66 10 19 - - 21

Amount(***) of debt not eligible to prudential own funds 254 128 28 14 18 20 46 - -

(*) The economic maturity is defi ned as either the contractual maturity or the next call date when the instrument contains an early redemption option. (**) Excluding Undated Super Subordinated not placed with institutional investors for an amount of EUR 1.773 millions as at 31 December 2018. (***) Gross accounting value before any prudential adjustments.

ENCUMBRANCE OF GROUP ASSETS AND ASSETS RECEIVED BY THE GROUP Assets on the balance sheet and assets received in guarantee used as pledges, guarantees or enhancement of a Group transaction and which cannot be freely withdrawn are considered to be encumbered. The following are the main transactions with asset encumbrance:

■ repos and securities exchange operations;

■ guarantees given to CCPs;

■ guarantees given to central banks as part of monetary policy;

■ assets in portfolios hedging the issue of secured bonds.

Encumbered securities are given as collateral in repurchase agreements, derivatives instruments or securities exchanges. The other assets correspond to the following: fi rstly, loans used as collateral for monet ary policy or for structured debt; secondly, cash given as collateral against derivatives.

Encumbered and unencumbered assets are shown in the following table according to the formats of the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/2295. Thus, all data shown in the table are calculated as the median of the four quarter ends of the year. Each total line is then calculated as the median of the total at the four quarters of the year, not as the sum of the median values for the year.

Accordingly , the median ratio of encumbered assets relative to Group balance sheet assets was 16% in 2018 compared to 13% in 2017.