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2018 Registration document and annual fi nancial report - BNP PARIBAS602



■ Any limits to the powers of the Chief Executive Offi cer imposed by the Board of directors (L.225-37-4 7° of the French Commercial Code) 48

■ Corporate governance code prepared by corporate representative organisations to which the Company refers (L.225-37-4 8° of the French Commercial Code) 46

■ Arrangements for shareholder participation at the general shareholders meeting (L.225-37-4 9° of the French Commercial Code) 25-27

■ Items that could have an impact in case of a public tender offer (L.225-37-5° of the French Commercial Code) 97


■ Table summarising Company results over the last 5 years (R.225-102 of the French Commercial Code) 495

■ Opinion of the independent third party tasked with verifying the social and environmental information in the Management report (L. 225-102-1-3 and R.225-105-2 of the French Commercial Code) 572-574

■ Statutory Auditors report on the Board of directors report on corporate governance (l. 225-235 of the French Commercial Code) 98

Financial statements

■ Parent company fi nancial statements 465-502

■ Statutory Auditors report on the fi nancial statements 503-508

■ Consolidated fi nancial statements 149-269

■ Statutory Auditors report on the consolidated fi nancial statements 270-276