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2018 Registration document and annual fi nancial report - BNP PARIBAS544



Our social responsibility: developing and engaging our people responsibly

A dynamic offer to better develop the skills of the future

BNP Paribas identifi ed future skills needs with the business lines and founded the Digital, Data & Agile Academy in 2018. 149 employees have already attended technical courses to top up their skills or retrain and obtain qualifi cations.

BNP Paribas Personal Finance set up Upskilling 2.0 for web developers, combining classroom learning and practical training. One of the programmes developed by Cardif is Skills Up for employees to hone their existing skill set or add new skills to prepare them for roles in data design and UX execution. The integrated "Legal" Function was also on the front foot with an innovative "Digital Legal Skills Centre" (DLC2) that will help legal experts address the challenges of digital transformation in their profession.

The Group diversified its employee development sources, with the opportunity for personnel to take part in internal (BNP Paribas International Hackathon, TEB Hackathon) or external hackathons, as well as "Learning Expeditions".

Learning to work differently

Positive management was the theme for several internal campaigns, and was introduced in different forms in some entities. Trust, empowerment and recognition are the key words of this new managerial approach as the Group refashions its culture to become more multidisciplinary, collaborative and open.

Intrapreneurship(1 )

Intrapreneurship helps to develop skills and drive the transformation of business models, as demonstrated by the People sLab4Good Corporate Engagement programme to fully support 100% positive impact projects. The 2018 campaign gathered 15 intrapreneurs from France, Switzerland, Luxembourg and Ivory Coast. Nine projects were organised in the business lines.

Other initiatives are being continued such as the IFS Bivwak programme, TIZ in Luxembourg and the TEB intrapreneurship program in Turkey.

Lastly, Bank of the West developed the Leap program which resulted in a team of 5 fi nalists being chosen to spend 4 months in San Francisco, to develop MentorConnect, a specifi c employee platform to encourage mentoring.


Training method(2) Training content (3)

Classroom based E-learning Other formats

Business techniques &

functions Risks &


Culture & awareness of

the Group and its


Individual skills &


France 13% 75% 12% 56% 25% 10% 8%

Belgium 15% 81% 4% 32% 47% 13% 7%

Italy 5% 57% 38% 46% 15% 24% 3%

Luxembourg 33% 65% 2% 46% 41% 5% 6%

Europe (excluding Domestic Markets) 11% 72% 17% 31% 45% 13% 8%

Rest of the world 14% 77% 9% 20% 50% 16% 7%

TOTAL 11% 69% 20% 41% 32% 15% 6%

(1) Source: My Development; p hysical headcount taking into account 95% (94% in 2017) (permanent and fi xed-term contracts). (2) % interns per method out of the total number of training sessions. (3) % interns per subject out of the total number of training sessions. An employee/benefi ciary may attend several training sessions. The total is less than

100% since undetermined training sessions are not included in the report.


2016 2017 2018

Total number of employees trained 188,759 196,912 203,426

Total number of training hours 5,370,853 4,972,231 4,843,539

(1) Source: My Learning reporting tools (for almost all countries/entities) and social reporting campaign (Bank of the West); this includes 100% of the physical headcount of fi xed-term and permanent contracts in the Group in 72 countries (99% in 72 countries in 2017), even though other employees (apprentices, professional contracts, vocational contracts, casual workers, interns) also benefi t from training.

With an average of approximatively 24 hours of training per employee and per year, alternative formats (videos, quizzes and e-learning) continue to grow and now represent 89% of training. Mandatory training covers sanctions, embargoes, fraud, anti-money laundering and corruption.

There is a sharp increase in training on Business line & functions (+9 points) refl ecting the digital transformation of businesses and the need to upskill personnel as a result.

(1) An intrapreneur is an employee who develops, in-house, an entrepreneurial project with the agreement and support of the c ompany.