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2018 Registration document and annual fi nancial report - BNP PARIBAS 37



Corporate governance report

Marion GUILLOU Principal function: Chairman of the Board of directors of IAVFF-Agreenium, Extraordinary State Councillor

Date of birth: 17 September 1954 Nationality: French Term start and end dates: 26 May 2016 2019 AGM Date fi rst elected to the Board: 15 May 2013

Offi ces(1) held in listed or unlisted companies of the BNP Paribas Group, in France or abroad: BNP Paribas(*), d irector Offi ces(1) held under the principal function: IAVFF-Agreenium (public institution), Chairman of the Board of directors of Institut Agronomique, Vétérinaire et Forestier de France Other offi ces(1) held in listed or unlisted companies outside the BNP Paribas Group, in France or abroad: Imerys(*), d irector Veolia Environnement(*), d irector Participation(1) in specialised committees of French or foreign companies: BNP Paribas, member of the Corporate Governance, Ethics, Nominations and CSR Committee, and of the Internal Control, Risk Management and Compliance Committee Imerys, member of the Nominations and Remuneration Committee Veolia Environnement, member of the Research, Innovation and Sustainable Development Committee and the Remuneration Committee Other(1): Care - France (NGO), d irector International agricultural research centre (CIAT), d irector Bioversity International, d irector IFRI, d irector Universcience, d irector

Number of BNP Paribas shares held(1): 1,000 Offi ce address : 1 place du Palais Royal


Education Graduate of the École Polytechnique Graduate of the École Nationale du Génie Rural, des Eaux et des Forêts Doctor of Food Sciences Institut français des administrateurs

Functions at previous year-ends (the companies listed are the parent companies of the groups in which the functions were carried out)

2017: Chairman of the Board of directors: IAVFF-Agreenium (public institution) Director: BNP Paribas, Imerys, Veolia Environnement Member: Board of directors of Universcience, Board of directors of Care - France (NGO), Board of directors of IHEST (Institut des Hautes Études en Sciences et Technologies), Academic Council of the Academy of Technologies, Board of directors of Bioversity International

2016: Chairman of the Board of directors: IAVFF-Agreenium (public institution) Director: BNP Paribas, Apave, CGIAR, Imerys, Veolia Environnement Member: Board of directors of Care - France (NGO), Board of directors of IHEST (Institut des Hautes Études en Sciences et Technologies), Board of directors of Bioversity International

2015: Chairman of the Board of directors: IAVFF-Agreenium (public institution) Director: BNP Paribas, Apave, CGIAR, Imerys, Veolia Environnement Member: Board of directors of Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques (FNSP)

2014: Chairman of the Board of directors: IAVFF-Agreenium (public institution) Director: BNP Paribas, Apave, CGIAR, Imerys, Veolia Environnement

(1) At 31 December 2018. (*) Listed company.