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2018 Registration document and annual fi nancial report - BNP PARIBAS 511




Our strategy

7.1 Our strategy


BNP Paribas engagement with society is entering a new era.

Our society is evolving. Our future is full of opportunities, but also of risks, principally due to rising inequalities and climate change.

No country, business or individual can win in the long term in a world that loses. We fi rmly believe that collective progress will be achieved only through growth that is both sustainable and equitable.

As a major international company and fi nancial services group, we have the human, technological and fi nancial resources to push boundaries, to be part of the solution and to take a leading role.

All over the world, our employees are contributing to the real economy. They help individuals, businesses, community organisations and institutions to succeed in their projects and fi nd tangible solutions to concrete problems.

It is on this basis that we will strengthen our commitment to society, notably in line with the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

We are transforming our operating model to be more digital and more client-focused. This goes hand in hand with the strengthening of our positive role in society. Our customers, employees, investors and partners as well as NGOs and individual citizens all want and expect this from us.

At the heart of our commitment there is a real ambition and key imperative to corporate social responsibility, ethics, diversity and inclusion, and promoting human rights in the countries where we do business, whilst respecting local legislation and cultures. We must respond with audacity to the real expectations and expanding horizons emerging in our society.

In order to achieve the required level of engagement, we need to:

■ Collectively develop our positive-impact culture, our culture of diversity and inclusion, and our dialogue with society.

■ Incorporate social and environmental responsibility more thoroughly into our operational processes and into the Group s major projects.

■ Create new solutions and partnerships that enable us to support our clients and have a positive impact on the world around us.

■ Establish specifi c engagement objectives for each major Group entity and incorporate their contributions into the Group s overall CSR and diversity and inclusion goals.

Beyond this quest for excellence in all areas related to our engagement, we will support causes where we can have major impacts. We will achieve this by aligning our products and services, partnerships, employer behaviour, procurement policies, community action, philanthropy, staff-volunteering initiatives and intrapreneurial initiatives.

■ For climate: working with our customers and partners, to accelerate energy transition by encouraging renewable energies, energy effi ciency, sustainable mobility and the circular economy.

■ For young people: promoting their inclusion in society by encouraging projects that matter most to them and by fostering intergenerational dialogue and solidarity.

■ For entrepreneurs: encouraging people from diverse backgrounds to create and develop businesses, and supporting social and entrepreneurial innovation.

■ For our local ecosystems: improving the urban, social and cultural environment in the regions where we do business.

Being the bank for a changing world means continuing to improve the way we help our customers while contributing to more sustainable and equitable growth.

Being the bank for a changing world means being a bank that is committed to changing the world for a better future.