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2018 Registration document and annual fi nancial report - BNP PARIBAS574



Report by one of the Statutory Auditors, appointed as an independent third party, on the consolidated non-fi nancial information statement included in the group management report


Key performance indicators and other quantitative results:

■ Headcount at 31 December 2018, employee turnover over the year

■ Rate of absenteeism

■ Proportion of women among the members of cross-business line and/ or cross-country Executive Committees

■ Proportion of employees who have received at least 14 weeks of paid maternity leave and/or 6 days of paid paternity leave

■ Proportion of employees who state they have received training (in all forms, including e-learning) during the previous 12 months

■ Number of disabled employees

■ Proportion of total employees who have taken part in the Competition law and you training course

■ Proportion who have taken part in the MiFID II Awareness e-learning course

■ Proportion of total employees who have taken part in the Know Your Data training course

■ Amount of the group s philanthropic and sponsorship contributions

■ Share of loans to companies contributing to the achievement of the SDGs

■ Amount of funding devoted to renewable energies

■ Amount of assets under SRI management at BNP Paribas Asset Management at 31 December 2018

■ Energy consumption and business travel (group-wide)

■ Assessment of GHG emissions (scopes I, II and III)

■ Average customer satisfaction score of the four domestic markets (France, Luxembourg, Belgium, Italy)

■ Digital transformation costs related to the digital transformation plan

■ Annual number of recipients of microloans distributed by microloan institutions funded by BNP Paribas (prorated to BNP Paribas funding)

■ Number of ESG supplier evaluations performed

■ Return on equity

■ Proportion of total employees contributing directly to promoting human rights who have received dedicated training

■ Proportion of total employees who have received training on ethics

■ Percentage of coverage of group business plans

■ Number of independent members of the Board of Directors

Qualitative information (actions and outcomes)

■ Employee development programmes: Active Inclusion , #WomengotTalent and Women in Business

■ Internal campaigns on positive management

■ Training digitalisation initiatives in Asia in 2018 (webinars, online platforms, virtual reality)

■ Organisation of Customer advisory committees (BNP Paribas Fortis)

■ Indexing a part of the variable remuneration to responsibility criteria specifi cally related to customer satisfaction (BNP Paribas Fortis)

■ Simplifi cation of BNP Paribas Cardif s commercial and administrative documents to draft them in language accessible to a certifi ed level B1, according to the Common European Framework of Reference

■ Development of Odyssée Jeunes and Projet Banlieues community projects

■ WaterLink funding

■ Measurement of progress in integrating ESG in BNP Paribas Asset Management by setting up ESG key performance indicators at the level of the portfolios and the management company

■ BNP Paribas Asset Management s voting policy in line with its strategy concerning climate change, implemented in 2018

■ Positioning of the Group on the global market in euros for sustainable bonds

■ Climate indexes launched by BNP Paribas, which have raised more than two billion euros (including EUR 750 million in 2018)

■ Participation in the Tropical Landscape Finance Facility (TLFF) and the Act4Nature programme on biodiversity, Call for Action Make our Planet Great Again commitment with the International Biodiversity & Property Council

■ Launch of ClimateSeed (platform for voluntary carbon offsetting) by BNP Paribas Securities Services

■ Green Company for Employees programme

■ Involvement of the Group s Leaders for Tomorrow in technical assistance programmes for MFIs to raise awareness of microfi nance, missions carried out in 15 countries including South Africa, India, China and Morocco

■ Completion of an impact study in December 2018 for Permicro, the fi rst Italian MFI, in which the Group holds a 20% share and is its largest source of funding

■ Discontinuation of financing and investment activities related to manufacturers of tobacco products as well as producers, wholesalers and retailers whose income is derived mainly from tobacco

■ Actions by BNP Paribas Wealth Management to document customers tax compliance declarations