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2018 Registration document and annual fi nancial report - BNP PARIBAS550



Our civic responsibility: being a positive agent for change

Luxembourg and Poland. From 2016 to 2018, the Group helped more than 170,000 refugees in Europe and plans to extend its commitment until at least 2021 by also providing support in the United Kingdom and Switzerland with a budget of EUR 4.5 million, in addition to the EUR 8 million plan set up in 2016.

In this context, the BNP Paribas Foundation supports UNHCR, the Apprentis d Auteuil, Samusocial de Paris and the Refugee Food Festival.

Supporting major players helping vulnerable populations Since 2012, the BNP Paribas Foundation has been working with two key players in the fi ght against extreme exclusion in France, namely: Restaurants du Cœur, by fi nancing the modernization and renewal of their computer equipment, and the Samusocial de Paris, by supporting the only maraude de jour (daily patrol) that reaches out to people in great physical and social distress with 1,200 interventions recorded in 2018, 15% up on last year.

Supporting equal opportunities

Many partnerships are in place to assist future generations and provide educational support to the most disadvantaged young people.

Odyssée Jeunes: educational school trips Created in 2009 by the BNP Paribas Foundation and the Seine-Saint- Denis local authority, this programme also involves the French Ministry of National Education. In 2018, with an annual budget of EUR 950,000, the Group enabled nearly 3,400 middle school students to take a school trip, accompanied by their teachers, thus bringing the total number of benefi ciaries to 50,000 over 10 years.

Dream Up: education through art Launched in 2015 in 26 countries, this international solidarity programme has opened the door for 30,000 disadvantaged children and teenagers to learn or improve their artistic skills throughout the school year: music, dance, painting, theatre, etc. In 2018, the Dream Up programme was renewed for another three years in some 30 countries.

International community initiatives A wide range of initiatives promoting quality education are either starting up or operated on a worldwide basis. For example, the Klasa programme, launched in 2003 by the BGZ BNP Paribas Foundation in Poland, enables students from disadvantaged backgrounds and living in rural areas to enrol in the most prestigious Polish boarding schools, and benefi t from all the materials necessary for their studies. Nearly 800 high school students benefi ted from this action.

Fostering employee commitment

Help2Help BNP Paribas encourages employees to donate their time and energy to community and humanitarian causes. The Help2Help programme devised by the BNP Paribas Foundation is testimony to this. Now deployed in more than 29 countries, this programme supported the projects of 260 associations in 2018 thanks to an endowment totalling EUR 945,000

Rescue & Recover Fund: six years of campaigning Launched in 2012, the Rescue & Recover endowment fund makes it possible to react quickly and effectively worldwide in the event of a humanitarian disaster. Intended for employees, French Retail Banking customers in France and retired members of the Group s ADR (Association Des Retraités Retirees Association), this fund collects their donations and matches the amount to fi nance the projects of its three NGO partners. In 6 years, nearly EUR 4 million has been donated to on-the-ground actions.

2018 was marked by emergency responses related to the eruption of the De Fuego Volcano in Guatemala in the spring, as well as the series of earthquakes in Indonesia, the fl oods in India during the summer, the tsunami on the Celebes islands in September and the deadly fi res in California at the end of the year. The fund made it possible for emergency care to be provided to the victims and help local populations cope with the material consequences of these disasters. At the end of the year, Group employees also participated in a campaign to help three vulnerable communities adapt to climate change in Haiti, Niger and Madagascar.

ARTS Contemporary creation is at the heart of the BNP Foundation s cultural philanthropy programme. A committed patron of many artists and the institutions that welcome and present their works, the Foundation mainly supports contemporary dance and jazz.

Imagining the dance of the future with Dansathon

Held simultaneously in the cites of Lyon, Liege and London, the Dansathon is a collaborative and connected event, intended to create the innovations that will mark the future of dance;

For 72 hours, from September 28 to 30, around a hundred people from the worlds of dance, technology, design and communication shared this co- creation experience. This original initiative, inspired from a BNP Paribas Foundation idea, was produced with the active collaboration of Maison de la Danse in Lyon, Sadler s Wells in London and the Liège Theatre.

Supporting creation through jazz

Since 1995, the BNP Paribas Foundation has supported the careers of many jazz musicians and backed several international festivals. In 2018, the Foundation restructured its initiatives in Africa in particular and launched new partnerships. As such, in 2018 it backed the Bamako Jazz Festival , a 3-day concert event organized in Mali that brings together some of the major names in the world of jazz. Also in 2018 in the Middle East, the Group also supported the 2nd Bahrain Jazz Fest , which welcomed around 5,000 spectators.