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2018 Registration document and annual fi nancial report - BNP PARIBAS26



BNP Paribas and its shareholders


Results Rate of



First resolution: approval of the parent company fi nancial statements for 2017 99.65%

Second resolution: approval of the consolidated fi nancial statements for 2017 99.61%

Third resolution: appropriation of net income for the year ended 31 December 2017 and dividend distribution 99.75%

Fourth resolution: agreements and commitments referred to in articles L. 225-38 and seq. of the French Commercial Code 99.61%

Fifth resolution: authorisation for BNP Paribas to buy back its own shares 98.43%

Sixth resolution: renewal of the term of offi ce of the principal and substitute Statutory Auditors (Deloitte & Associés and BEAS) 92.53%

Seventh resolution: renewal of the term of offi ce of the principal Statutory Auditors and appointment of a new substitute statutory auditor (Mazars and Mr Charles de Boisriou) 93.65%

Eighth resolution: renewal of the term of offi ce of the principal statutory auditor and appointment of a new statutory auditor (PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit and Mr Jean-Baptiste Deschryver) 88.00%

Ninth resolution: renewal of the term of offi ce of Mr Pierre André de Chalendar as a Director 95.33%

Tenth resolution: renewal of the term of offi ce of Denis Kessler as a Director 83.32%

Eleventh resolution: renewal of the term of offi ce of Mrs Laurence Parisot as a Director 95.74%

Twelf th resolution: vote on the components of the compensation policy attributable to the Chairman of the Board of directors 97.50%

Thirteenth resolution: vote on the components of the compensation policy attributable to the Chief Executive Offi cer and to the Chief Operating Offi cer 86.65%

Fourteenth resolution: vote on the components of the compensation paid or awarded in respect of fi scal year 2017 to Mr Jean Lemierre, Chairman of the Board of directors 97.82%

Fifteenth resolution: vote on the components of the compensation paid or awarded in respect of fi scal year 2017 to Mr Jean-Laurent Bonnafé, Chief Executive Offi cer 85.67%

Sixteenth resolution: vote on the components of the compensation paid or awarded in respect of fi scal year 2017 to Mr Philippe Bordenave, Chief Operating Offi cer 85.78%

Seventeenth resolution: advisory vote on the overall amount of compensation of any kind paid during fi scal year 2017 to executive offi cers and certain categories of staff 86.82%

Eighteenth resolution: setting the cap on the variable component of the compensation of executive offi cers and certain categories of staff 87.69%


Nineteenth resolution: capital increase with preferential subscription rights 87.73%

Twentieth resolution: capital increase without preferential subscription rights 90.12%

Twenty-fi rst resolution: capital increase without preferential subscription rights to remunerate contributions of securities of up to 10% of the share capital 89.90%

Twenty-second resolution: Overall limit on authorisations to issue shares without preferential subscription rights for existing shareholders. 90.46%

Twenty-third resolution: capital increase by capitalising reserves, retained earnings, additional paid-in capital or contribution premium. 99.73%

Twenty-fourth resolution: Overall limit on authorisations to issue shares with or without preferential subscription rights for existing shareholders. 88.91%

Twenty-fi fth resolution: Authorisation granted to the Board of directors to carry out transactions reserved for members of the BNP Paribas Group s Company Savings Plan 98.31%

Twenty-sixth resolution: Authorisation granted to the Board of directors to reduce the share capital by cancelling shares 99.61%

Twenty-seventh resolution: Amendment of the Articles of association with regard to the age limit for the Chairman, the Chief Executive Offi cer and the Chief Operating Offi cer(s) 97.47%

Twenty-eighth resolution: Powers to carry out formalities 99.90%