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2018 Registration document and annual fi nancial report - BNP PARIBAS 35



Corporate governance report

Wouter DE PLOEY Principal function: Chief Executive Offi cer of ZNA (hospital group in Antwerp, Belgium)

Date of birth: 5 April 1965 Nationality: Belgian Term start and end dates: 26 May 2016 2019 AGM Date fi rst elected to the Board: 26 May 2016

Offi ces(1) held in listed or unlisted companies of the BNP Paribas Group, in France or abroad: BNP Paribas(*), d irector Offi ces(1) held in listed or unlisted companies outside the BNP Paribas Group, in France or abroad: Vanbreda Risk & Benefi ts NV, d irector Unibreda NV, d irector Participation(1) in specialised committees of French or foreign companies: BNP Paribas, member of the Financial Statements Committee Other(1): Gasthuiszusters Antwerpen, d irector Regroupement GZA-ZNA, d irector BluHealth Innovation Center, d irector Chamber of Commerce bureau, VOKA Antwerp - Waasland (Belgium), Vice-Chairman

Number of BNP Paribas shares held(1) : 1,000 Offi ce address: Leopoldstraat 26


Education Master s degree and Doctorate in Economics from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (United States of America) Master s in Economics (Magna cum Laude) and Philosophy, University of Leuven (Belgium)

Functions at previous year-ends (the companies listed are the parent companies of the groups in which the functions were carried out)

2017: Director: BNP Paribas Vanbreda Risk & Benefi ts NV (Belgium), Unibreda NV Vice-Chairman: Chamber of Commerce bureau, VOKA Antwerp - Waasland (Belgium) Member: Belgian - American Educational Foundation (Belgium) Adviser to the Board of directors: Lannoo publishing company (Belgium)

2016: Member of the Supervisory Board: GIMV XL Director: BNP Paribas Vice-Chairman: Waasland (Belgium) Chairman: Board of directors of the Museum of Contemporary Art, Antwerp (Belgium) Member: Belgian - American Educational Foundation (Belgium), of the Board of directors of Haute École Odisee (Belgium) Adviser to the Board of directors: Lannoo publishing company (Belgium)

(1) At 31 December 2018. (*) Listed company.