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2018 Registration document and annual fi nancial report - BNP PARIBAS 533




Our social responsibility: developing and engaging our people responsibly

In the United Kingdom, CIB and BNP Paribas Personal Finance signed the Women in Finance Charter committing to increase the number of women in senior management positions .

BMCI agreed a partnership with Women In Africa (WIA) offering the fi rst international platform dedicated to the economic development and support of leading and high-potential African women.

BNP PARIBAS Wealth Management and the Women Initiative Foundation (WIF) organised the 4th Women Entrepreneur Program at the Stanford Graduate School of Business. 150 women have benefi ted from this program since its inception.

Promoting the employment and insertion of people with disabilities


Disabled Employees of which Recruitment

2016 2017 2018 2016 2017 2018

France 1,722 1,893 2,138 80 75 76

Belgium 69 71 71 2 0 1

Italy 836 868 859 7 11 11

Luxembourg 58 57 65 0 0 0

Europe (excluding Domestic Markets) 726 777 812 89 126 108

Rest of the world 133 148 159 28 33 55

TOTAL 3,544 3,810 4,104 206 245 251

(*) Physical headcount taking into account 95% of Group headcount (94% in 2017).

In line with its previous commitments, BNP Paribas Global a greement requires all Group entities to implement one or more of the 10 commitments contained in the ILO Global Business and Disability Network Charter, focusing on employability , equal treatment and accessibility. Among the approximately 60 countries legally authorised to record disabled employees, there were 4,104 people with disabilities in 43 countries, i.e., an overall employment rate of 2% (identical to 2017).

In France, within the framework of its 3rd corporate agreement (2016- 2019) to promote employment of the disabled, BNP Paribas SA achieved its objective with 55 new hires and 2,161 actions undertaken in 2018 to ensure personnel remain in employment. The employment rate of disabled personnel increased with an employment rate (direct and indirect) of 4.37% (3.8% in 2017). Close to 80 awareness initiatives and training actions were organised, as well as an e-learning module to provide training in digital access at all stages of a project.

Furthermore, BNP Paribas Cardif was recognised for its efforts in this area with the special Mission Handicap disability award in the Deauville Green Awards on 20 June 2018. In Poland, BGZ was honoured with the Facility without barriers certificate , a prestigious certifi cation in Poland issued by the Integration Foundation.

Origins and internationalisation

163 different nationalities are present in the Group, with 11 of them represented in the G100. The percentage of different nationalities among expatriate employees has increased steadily: French nationals dropped from 68% to 59% in the 2011-2018 period.

The subject of origin is systematically discussed during diversity weeks, and was a particular focus this year with the question of white privilege .


Paris hosted the Gay Games for the fi rst time this year from 4 to 12 August 2018. This sporting, cultural and festive event, started in 1982 to celebrate diversity, without discrimination based on gender, age, sexual orientation, sporting achievement or disability, has welcomed this year more than 10,000 participants . BNP Paribas was proud to have the largest delegation of all the main sponsors with 200 or more employees from 15 countries. The Group s employees won 24 medals, 9 of them gold.

In Italy, BNL hosted the second Global BNP Paribas LGBT conference in Rome.

In the United States, BNP Paribas signed the Business Statement for Transgender Equality alongside 180 other companies, pledging to stand for equal rights and respect for people who identify as transgender, gender non-binary, or intersex.