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2018 Registration document and annual fi nancial report - BNP PARIBAS22



BNP Paribas and its shareholders


BNP Paribas endeavours to provide all shareholders with clear, consistent, high-quality information at regular intervals, in accordance with best market practice and the recommendations of stock market authorities.

The Investor Relations team informs institutional investors and fi nancial analysts about the Group s strategy, major events concerning the Group s business and the Group s quarterly results.

In 2019, the timetable is as(1):

■ 6 February 2019: publication of 2018 full year results;

■ 2 May 2019: publication of fi rst quarter 2019 results;

■ 31 July 2019: publication of second quarter and fi rst-half 2019 results;

■ 31 October 2019: publication of third-quarter and nine-month 2019 results.

Informative briefi ngs are organised several times a year for all market participants, in particular when the annual and half-year results are released, or on specifi c topics, providing senior management with an opportunity to present the BNP Paribas Group and its strategy. More specifi cally, a Relations Offi cer is responsible for liaising with managers of ethical and socially responsible funds.

The Shareholder Relations team provides information and deals with queries from the Bank s 402,000 retail shareholders (internal sources and TPI Survey as at 31 December 2018). Twice a year, shareholders receive a fi nancial newsletter outlining the Group s main developments, and the minutes of the Annual General Meeting are sent in early July. During the year, retail shareholders are invited, in different French cities, to attend presentations during which the Group s accomplishments and strategy are presented by Executive Management (in 2018, for example, presentations were held in Versailles on 6 November and in Marseilles on 8 November). BNP Paribas representatives also met and spoke with nearly 1,000 people at the Actionaria shareholder fair held in Paris on 22 and 23 November 2018.

The members of the Cercle des actionnaires de BNP Paribas (BNP Paribas Shareholders Group), set up in 1995, are the 47,000 retail shareholders holding at least 200 shares. They receive the fi nancial newsletters each half-year and the minutes of the Annual General Meeting. They are also sent two printed editions of the magazine, La Vie du Cercle, in addition to two emails outlining new events. They are invited to attend artistic, sporting and cultural events with which BNP Paribas is associated, as well as online training sessions. These include stock trading (technical and

fi nancial analysis, placing orders etc.), wealth management and economic updates sessions in partnership with the relevant BNP Paribas teams. Nearly 250 events were organised for more than 10,000 participants in 2018.

To facilitate access these services, a website dedicated to the Cercle des Actionnaires ( features all the available products and services. Each Cercle member has a personal and secure access to the site which can be used to manage their event registrations and retrieve their invitations. A freephone number has also been made available, 0800 666 777; it provides the market price and allows members to leave a voice message for the Cercle team. Messages can also be sent by email to

The BNP Paribas website (, available in French and English, offers users access to all information on the BNP Paribas Group (including press releases, key fi gures, coverage of the main events, etc.). All fi nancial documents such as Annual Reports and Registration documents can also be viewed and downloaded. The fi nancial calendar gives the dates of important forthcoming events, such as the Annual General Meeting, results announcements and shareholder seminars. The website also features the latest share performance data and comparisons with major indexes, as well as a tool for calculating returns.

Reports and presentations relating to BNP Paribas business and strategy aimed at all audiences (institutional investors, asset managers and fi nancial analysts) are also available. The Individual Shareholder section shows information and features specifi cally designed for retail shareholders, in particular, access to information such as proposed events.

In addition, there is a specifi c section dedicated to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, which includes information regarding attendance at the meeting, ways to vote and practical matters, as well as a presentation of the resolutions and the complete text of all speeches made by corporate offi cers. Webcasts of the Annual General Meeting can be viewed on the Bank s website. In response to the expectations of individual shareholders and investors, and to meet strict transparency and regulatory disclosure requirements, BNP Paribas regularly adds sections to its website and improves existing sections with enhanced content and new functions.

(1) Subject to change at a later date.