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2018 Registration document and annual fi nancial report - BNP PARIBAS 539




Our social responsibility: developing and engaging our people responsibly

A forum for discussion and collective agreements


Collective agreements

2016 2017 2018

France 149 111 114

Belgium 10 11 7

Italy 71 54 48

Luxembourg - - 0

Europe 51 84 94

Rest of the world 15 11 24

TOTAL 296 271 287

Employment management

BNP Paribas is the top European bank in the Vigeo Eiris 2018 ranking. The Group s overall corporate social responsibility performance improved this year. Vigeo said: The bank is strengthening our assurance in its willingness and capacity to develop this strategic asset, the cohesion of its human capita l (1)".

Given the current profound disruption in the banking industry, strengthening employability is one of the key issues addressed by the HR 2020 strategy through improved knowledge of the skills needed for the jobs of the future, through ad hoc development programmes and the promotion of a strong and agile digital culture.

Under the European agreement on employment management, signed in 2012 and automatically renewed, the following principles are rigorously applied:

■ anticipate as much as possible the structural and organisational adjustments made necessary by the adaptation of the Group s entities, and provide regular updates to employee representatives;

■ use best efforts to avoid forced redundancies in the event of organisational changes with signifi cant consequences on employment through the use, in particular, of natural turnover, mobility and voluntary departure solutions.

After the merger with Raiffeisen at the end of 2018 in Poland, an agreement on the measures to be included in the social plan that affected 2,200 jobs was negotiated and signed with all the trade unions.

LISTENING TO EMPLOYEES THROUGH THE GLOBAL PEOPLE SURVEY (GPS) 77% of employees responded to the 2018 survey and the results were stable overall. For the Group as a whole, we focused on three priorities: employee engagement, customer focus and effi ciency. They are the keys to our collective and successful performance . The detailed results were sent to each entity and nearly 6,700 reports/links were sent to managers to help implement new actions to continue BNP Paribas transformation. In this context, a majority of employees keeps an optimistic view of BNP Paribas future. 76% believe that it "will improve or remain stable" (versus 75% in 2017).

A COMPETITIVE COMPENSATION POLICY The Group s compensation policy is founded upon principles of fairness and transparency, which are notably supported by a single annual review of the compensation paid to all employees. The principles on the composition of compensation and its evolution are common throughout the Group and consistent with the objectives of risk management.


2016 2017 2018 Change

2017/2016 in % Change

2018/2017 in %

France(2) 53,458 54,386 56,145 +1.73% +3.23%

Belgium (BNP Paribas Fortis) 70,277 71,970 74,833 +2.41% +2.41%

Italy (BNL SpA) 51,689 52,099 52,975 +0.79% +1.68%

Luxembourg 78,621 80,660 83,703 +2.59% +3.77%

(1) Gross data for workforce with over two years seniority, excluding executive managers (G100), paid at 31/12 excluding employers contributions, but including fi xed salary, sales incentives and variable compensation paid throughout the year, excluding deferred payments, and profi t-sharing plans.

(2) All entities excluding BNP Paribas Real Estate Services, on a 35-hour work week.

(1) Study published on 25 September 2018, .