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2018 Registration document and annual fi nancial report - BNP PARIBAS304



Capital management and capital adequacy

In millions of euros

1 January 2018

Net carrying values:

p rudential scope

I tems subject to:

Not subject to capital requirements or

deducted from capital credit risk


counterparty credit risk

framework securitisation

framework market risk framework


Cash and amounts due from central banks 178,562 178,562 - - - -

Financial instruments at fair value through profi t or loss

Securities 130,298 7,218 4,737 637 122,430 77

Loans and repurchase agreements 149,516 1,187 147,364 - 147,143 -

Derivative fi nancial instruments 229,890 - 229,890 - 228,970 -

Derivatives used for hedging purposes 13,717 - 13,717 - - -

Financial assets at fair value through equity 60,134 56,156 - 1,369 - 2,610

Financial assets at amortised cost

Loans and advances to credit institutions 20,512 17,093 2,925 - - 520

Loans and advances to customers 738,133 711,477 14,333 10,632 - 1,664

Debt securities 70,571 59,590 1,108 8,631 - 2,350

Remeasurement adjustment on interest-rate risk hedged portfolios 3,064 - - - - 3,064

Current and deferred tax assets 7,280 6,861 - - - 419

Accrued income and other assets 90,486 24,063 64,548 - 7,717 535

Equity-method investments 10,599 9,960 - - - 639

Property, plant and equipment and investment property 24,610 24,502 - - - 108

Intangible assets 3,061 39 - - - 3,022

Goodwill 9,308 - - - - 9,308

TOTAL ASSETS 1,739,741 1,096,709 478,621 21,268 506,261 24,315