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2018 Registration document and annual fi nancial report - BNP PARIBAS66



Corporate governance report

Each Statutory Auditor shall report on a yearly basis to the Committee on its internal control system for guaranteeing its independence, and shall provide a written statement of its independence in auditing the Group.

The Committee accounts for the statements and conclusions of the Haut Conseil des Commissaires aux comptes (H3C) resulting from the controls provided by the H3C in the professional activity of Statutory Auditors.

At least twice a year, the Committee shall devote part of a meeting to a discussion with the team of Statutory Auditors, without any member of the company s Executive Management being present.

The Committee meets in the presence of the team of Statutory Auditors, to review quarterly, half-yearly and annual fi nancial statements.

However, the Statutory Auditors shall not attend all or part of Committee meetings dealing with their fees or their re-appointment.

The Statutory Auditors shall not attend all or part of Committee meetings dealing with specifi c issues that concern a member of their staff.

Except in the event of exceptional circumstances, the fi les containing the quarterly, half-yearly and annual results and fi nancial statements shall be sent to Committee members at least three days prior to the Committee meetings.

Where questions of interpretation of accounting principles arise in connection with quarterly, half-yearly and annual results, and involve choices with a signifi cant impact, the Statutory Auditors and Finance Group shall submit, on a quarterly basis, a memorandum to the Committee analysing the nature and signifi cance of the issues at play, presenting the pros and cons of the various possible solutions and explaining the rationale for the choices ultimately made.

They present, at least twice a year, a note on the works on certifi cation of the fi nancial statements. Based on it, the Committee reports to the Board on the results of this mission and on the way this mission has contributed to the integrity of the fi nancial information and on his own role in it.

7.2. CHAIRMAN S REPORT The Committee shall review that part of the draft of the Chairman s report on internal control procedures relating to the preparation and processing of accounting and fi nancial information.

7.3. HEARINGS With regard to all issues falling within its jurisdiction, the Committee may, at its initiative, hear the heads of fi nances and accounting of the Group, as well as the head of Asset/liability management.

The Committee may ask to hear the head of Finances Group with regard to any issue within its jurisdiction, for which he may be held liable, or the Company s management may be held liable, or that could call into question the quality of accounting and fi nancial information disclosed by the Company.



8.1.1. Missions concerning the global risk strategy The Committee advises the Board of directors on the adequacy of the global strategy of the Company and the overall current and future risk appetite. It assists the Board of directors when the latter verifi es the implementation of this strategy by the actual managers and by the head of risk management.

For this purpose, the Committee examines the key orientations of the Group s risk policy, including social and environmental orientations, based on measurements of the risk and profi tability of the operations reported to it, in accordance with the regulations in force, as well as any specifi c issues related to these matters and methods.

In the event that a global risk limit is exceeded, a procedure to refer the matter to the Board of directors is provided for: the Executive Management informs the Chairman of the Committee, who can decide to convene the Committee or to request the convening of the Board of directors.

8.1.2. Missions concerning the examination of the prices of the products and services proposed to customers

In the framework of its mission and according to the terms it shall defi ne, the Committee examines whether the prices of the products and services proposed to customers are compatible with the risk strategy. Where prices do not properly refl ect the risks, it presents to the Board of directors an action plan to remedy this.

8.1.3. Missions concerning remuneration Without prejudice to the missions of the remunerations Committee, the Risk committee examines whether the incentives provided for by the policy and the remuneration practices of the Company are compatible with its situation with respect to the risks to which it is exposed, its capital, its liquidity and the probability and the spreading over time of the expected profi ts.

To carry out this mission, the Chairman of the Committee shall attend the Remunerations Committee s meeting and presents to it the position upheld.

8.1.4. Missions concerning internal control and compliance

The Committee also reviews all compliance-related issues, particularly those in the areas of reputation risk or professional ethics.

The Committee analyses the risk measurement and monitoring report. Twice a year it examines the internal control operations and fi ndings (excluding accounting and financial internal control, which is the responsibility of the Financial Statements Committee) based on the information provided to it by Executive Management and the reports presented to it by the heads of permanent control, compliance and periodic controls. It reviews the Company s exchanges of correspondence with the Secretariat General of the Prudential Control and Resolution Authority (Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution ACPR).