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2018 Registration document and annual fi nancial report - BNP PARIBAS 515




Our strategy

PROGRESS ACKNOWLEDGED BY EXTRA-FINANCIAL RATING AGENCIES The following table shows the most recent evaluations from the main extra-fi nancial rating agencies and the inclusion of the BNP Paribas share in the most recent extra-fi nancial indexes.

Agency Rating

(year of most recent rating) Rating

(previous year) Inclusion in the related indexes

Carbon Disclosure Project A- (2018) A- (2017)

FTSE Russell 4.6/5 (2018) 4.2/5 (2017) FTSE4Good Global Index Series

ISS-Oekom C (2018) C (2017) Prime (best-in-class status)

MSCI A (2018) A (2017)

Sustainalytics 79/100 (2018) 78/100 (2017) Global Compact 100 of the United Nations

and STOXX Global ESG Leaders

Vigeo Eiris 70/100 (2018)

1st European bank in the ranking 64/100 (2017) Euronext-Vigeo Eiris World 120,

Eurozone 120, Europe 120 and France 20

In 2018, BNP Paribas was also included in the following indexes: Bloomberg Financial Services Gender-Equality Index, Thomson Reuters Global Diversity & Inclusion Index, Pax Ellevate Global Women s Index Fund(1) and its Moroccan bank, BMCI, is listed in the Vigeo Eiris 100 Best Emerging Market Performers Ranking .

Other bodies and specialised magazines have also acknowledged the Group s improved performance. Indeed, BNP Paribas:

■ was listed as the leading European and only French bank in the 2019 100 Most Sustainable Corporations ranking of the Canadian magazine Corporate Knights, being placed in 24th position;

■ was named World s Best Bank for Sustainable Finance for 2018 by Euromoney, a reference publication in international fi nance ;

■ received the Global Performance Trophy, awarded jointly by the Institute for Responsible Capitalism and Vigeo Eiris, which recognises the best Annual General Meeting in terms of comprehensibility and relevance of fi nancial and extra-fi nancial information.

CSR TAKEN TO THE HIGHEST LEVEL IN THE ORGANISATION Year after year, BNP Paribas is making progress in implementing its CSR policy, and this is thanks to the daily commitment of its over 202,000 employees. In the various Group entities and functions around the world, they implement multiple CSR initiatives in their business lines at all levels of the organisation.

A dedicated department is responsible for managing the Bank s CSR commitments, reporting to the Company Engagement Department and represented in the Group Executive Committee. The assignments and responsibilities of the CSR Function are clearly defi ned in a directive from the Executive Management. At the Head Offi ce, the CSR team is structured as follows:

(1) The Pax Global Women s Leadership Index Fund lists the world s leading companies in terms of the promotion of women in corporate governance.

CSR Function

Investments and āŽŽƒ‰Ž‡—‰”ˆ positive impact

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