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2018 Registration document and annual fi nancial report - BNP PARIBAS 267



Notes to the fi nancial statements

31 December 2018 31 December 2017

Name Country Method Voting

(%) Interest

(%) Ref. Method Voting

(%) Interest

(%) Ref. BNPP Real Estate Italy SRL Italy Full 100% 100% Full 100% 100% BNPP Real Estate Jersey Ltd Jersey S2 BNPP Real Estate Magyarorszag Tanacsado Es Ingatlankezelo ZRT Hungary Full 100% 100% Full 100% 100% BNPP Real Estate Poland SP ZOO Poland Full 100% 100% Full 100% 100% BNPP Real Estate Property Development UK Ltd UK Full 100% 100% Full 100% 100% BNPP Real Estate Property Developpement Italy SPA Italy Full 100% 100% Full 100% 100% BNPP Real Estate Property Management Belgium Belgium Full 100% 100% Full 100% 100% BNPP Real Estate Property Management France SAS France Full 100% 100% Full 100% 100% BNPP Real Estate Property Management GmbH Germany Full 100% 100% Full 100% 100% BNPP Real Estate Property Management Italy SRL Italy Full 100% 100% Full 100% 100% BNPP Real Estate Property Management Spain SA Spain S4 Full 100% 100% BNPP Real Estate Transaction France France Full 96% 96% V2 Full 96.1% 96.1% V2 BNPP Real Estate Valuation France France Full 100% 100% Full 100% 100% Construction-Sale Companies (Real Estate programmes) (e) France

Full / Equity - -

Full / Equity - -

FG Ingénierie et Promotion Immobilière France S4 GIE Siège Issy France Full 100% 100% Full 100% 100% Horti Milano SRL Italy Full 100% 100% Full 100% 100% E1 Immobilière des Bergues France S4 Lifi zz France Full 100% 100% E2 Locchi SRL Italy S3 Full 100% 100% Parker Tower Ltd UK Full 100% 100% Full 100% 100% Partner s & Services France Full 100% 100% Full 100% 100% Pyrotex GB 1 SA Luxembourg S4 Full 100% 100% Pyrotex SARL Luxembourg Full 100% 100% Full 100% 100% REPD Parker Ltd UK Full 100% 100% Full 100% 100% Société Auxiliaire de Construction Immobilière France Full 100% 100% Full 100% 100% Sviluppo Residenziale Italia SRL Italy Full 100% 100% Full 100% 100% Corporate & Institutional Banking Securities Services BNPP Financial Services LLC USA Full 100% 100% E1 BNPP Fund Administration Services Ireland Ltd Ireland Full 100% 100% Full 100% 100% BNPP Fund Services Australasia Pty Ltd Australia Full 100% 100% D1 Equity* 100% 100% BNPP Fund Services Australasia Pty Ltd (New zealand branch) New Zealand Full 100% 100% D1 Equity* 100% 100% BNPP Global Securities Operations Private Ltd India Full 100% 100% Full 100% 100% BNPP Securities Services France Full (1) 100% 100% Full (1) 100% 100% BNPP Securities Services (Australia branch) Australia Full (1) 100% 100% Full (1) 100% 100% BNPP Securities Services (Belgium branch) Belgium Full (1) 100% 100% Full (1) 100% 100% BNPP Securities Services (Germany branch) Germany Full (1) 100% 100% Full (1) 100% 100% BNPP Securities Services (Greece branch) Greece Full (1) 100% 100% Full (1) 100% 100% BNPP Securities Services (Guernsey branch) Guernsey Full (1) 100% 100% Full (1) 100% 100% BNPP Securities Services (Hong kong branch) Hong Kong Full (1) 100% 100% Full (1) 100% 100% BNPP Securities Services (Hungary branch) Hungary Full (1) 100% 100% Full (1) 100% 100% BNPP Securities Services (Ireland branch) Ireland Full (1) 100% 100% Full (1) 100% 100% BNPP Securities Services (Italy branch) Italy Full (1) 100% 100% Full (1) 100% 100% BNPP Securities Services (Jersey branch) Jersey Full (1) 100% 100% Full (1) 100% 100% BNPP Securities Services (Luxembourg branch) Luxembourg Full (1) 100% 100% Full (1) 100% 100% BNPP Securities Services (Netherlands branch) Netherlands Full (1) 100% 100% Full (1) 100% 100% BNPP Securities Services (Poland branch) Poland Full (1) 100% 100% Full (1) 100% 100% BNPP Securities Services (Portugal branch) Portugal Full (1) 100% 100% Full (1) 100% 100% BNPP Securities Services (Singapore branch) Singapore Full (1) 100% 100% Full (1) 100% 100% BNPP Securities Services (Spain branch) Spain Full (1) 100% 100% Full (1) 100% 100% BNPP Securities Services (Switzerland branch) Switzerland Full (1) 100% 100% Full (1) 100% 100%

31 December 2018 31 December 2017

Name Country Method Voting

(%) Interest

(%) Ref. Method Voting

(%) Interest

(%) Ref. BNPP Securities Services (United Kingdom branch) UK Full (1) 100% 100% Full (1) 100% 100% Services Logiciels d Intégration Boursière France Equity (3) 66.6% 66.6% E1 CIB EMEA (Europe, Moyen Orient, Afrique) France BNPP Arbitrage France Full (1) 100% 100% Full (1) 100% 100% BNPP Arbitrage (United Kingdom branch) UK S1 Full (1) 100% 100% Esomet France Full 100% 100% Full 100% 100% Eurotitrisation France Equity 23% 23% E1 Financière du Marché Saint Honoré France Full 100% 100% Full 100% 100% Laffi tte Participation 22 France Full 100% 100% Full 100% 100% Opéra Trading Capital France Full 100% 100% Full 100% 100% Opéra Trading Capital (Hong Kong branch) Hong Kong Full 100% 100% Full 100% 100% Opéra Trading Capital (United Kingdom branch) UK Full 100% 100% Full 100% 100% Parilease France Full (1) 100% 100% Full (1) 100% 100% SNC Taitbout Participation 3 France Full 100% 100% Full 100% 100% Verner Investissements France Equity 40% 50% Equity 40% 50% Structured Entities Auseter Real Estate Opportunities SARL Luxembourg Full - - E1 Atargatis France Full - - Full - - Austin Finance France Full - - Full - - Compagnie d Investissement Italiens France Full - - Full - - Compagnie d Investissement Opéra France Full - - Full - - FCT Juice France Full - - E2 Financière des Italiens France Full - - Full - - Financière Paris Haussmann France Full - - Full - - Financière Taitbout France Full - - Full - - Mediterranea France Full - - Full - - Optichamps France Full - - Full - - Participations Opéra France Full - - Full - - Other European countries Alpha Murcia Holding BV Netherlands S1 Equity* 100% 99.9% BNP PUK Holding Ltd UK Full 100% 100% Full 100% 100% BNPP Bank JSC Russia Full 100% 100% Full 100% 100% BNPP Commodity Futures Ltd UK Full 100% 100% Full 100% 100% BNPP Emissions- Und Handels- GmbH Germany Full 100% 100% Full 100% 100% BNPP Invest Holdings BV Netherlands Full 100% 100% Full 100% 100% E1 BNPP Ireland Unlimited Co Ireland Full 100% 100% Full 100% 100% BNPP Islamic Issuance BV Netherlands Full 100% 100% Full 100% 100% BNPP Issuance BV Netherlands Full 100% 100% Full 100% 100% BNPP Net Ltd UK Full 100% 100% D1 Equity* 100% 100% BNPP Prime Brokerage International Ltd Ireland Full 100% 100% Full 100% 100% BNPP UK Holdings Ltd UK Full 100% 100% Full 100% 100% BNPP UK Ltd UK S3 Full 100% 100% BNPP Vartry Reinsurance DAC Ireland Full 100% 100% D1 Equity* 100% 100% Diamante Re SRL Italy Full 100% 100% E1 Financière Hime SA Luxembourg Equity 22.5% 22.5% Equity 22.5% 22.5% E1 FScholen Belgium Equity (3) 50% 50% Equity (3) 50% 50% Greenstars BNPP Luxembourg Equity* 100% 100% Equity* 100% 100% Harewood Holdings Ltd UK Full 100% 100% Full 100% 100% Hime Holding 1 SA Luxembourg Equity 26.4% 26.4% Equity 26.4% 26.4% E1 Hime Holding 2 SA Luxembourg Equity 21% 21% Equity 21% 21% E1 Hime Holding 3 SA Luxembourg Equity 20.6% 20.6% Equity 20.6% 20.6% E1 Landspire Ltd UK Full 100% 100% Full 100% 100% Ribera Del Loira Arbitrage Spain Full 100% 100% E1 SC Nueva Condo Murcia SL Spain S2 Utexam Logistics Ltd Ireland Full 100% 100% Full 100% 100% Utexam Solutions Ltd Ireland Full 100% 100% Full 100% 100% Structured Entities Alectra Finance PLC Ireland Full - - Full - - Aquarius + Investments PLC Ireland Full - - Full - - Aries Capital DAC Ireland Full - - Full - - E1 BNPP International Finance Dublin Unlimited Company Ireland Full - - Full - - BNPP Investments N 1 Ltd UK S1 Full - - BNPP Investments N 2 Ltd UK S1 Full - - Boug BV Netherlands Full - - Full - - Boug BV (United Kingdom branch) UK Full - - Full - - Madison Arbor Ltd Ireland Full - - Full - - Matchpoint Finance PLC Ireland Full - - Full - - Omega Capital Funding Ltd Ireland S1 Omega Capital Investments PLC Ireland S1 Scaldis Capital Ltd Jersey Full - - Full - -