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2018 Registration document and annual fi nancial report - BNP PARIBAS64



Corporate governance report

4.2.2. Confi dentiality Any director and any person participating in the work of the Board is bound by an obligation of absolute confi dentiality about the content of the discussions and decisions of the Board and of its committees as well as the information and documents which are presented therein or which are provided to them, in any form whatsoever.

Except as provided by law, he is prohibited from communicating to any person outside of the Board of directors any information that has not been made public by BNP Paribas.


4.3.1. Ethical conduct If directors have any questions related to ethical conduct, they may consult the head of the Group Compliance Function.

The legislation relating to insider trading applies particularly to directors both in a personal capacity and when carrying out their duties within companies that hold shares in BNP Paribas. They are required, in particular, to respect the legal requirements governing the defi nition, communication and exploitation of privileged information, the principal provisions of which are communicated to them when they take directorship.

Directors can only deal in securities of BNP Paribas on a personal basis during the period of six-weeks beginning on the day after the publication of the quarterly and annual fi nancial statements, or after the publication of a press release on the Company s running, unless they are in possession during that period of information that puts them in the position of an insider with respect to the stock exchange regulations.

Directors shall refrain from any transactions that could be considered as speculative, and in particular from leveraged purchases or short sales, or short-term trading.

The director as well as the persons with close connections with him are under the obligation to declare to the French Financial Markets Authority (Autorité des Marchés Financiers AMF), which ensures the publication thereof, and to BNP Paribas the transactions that they execute in BNP Paribas shares and the fi nancial instruments related thereto.

4.3.2. Limitation on directorships The director complies with the statutory and regulatory provisions which are applicable to him or her, or which are applicable to BNP Paribas, concerning limitation on directorships, as well as the Policy on the suitability of members of the Management body and Key function holders.

4.3.3. Confl icts of interests The director complies with the applicable statutory and regulatory provisions regarding confl icts of interests in particular the so-called related-party agreements (conventions réglementées) regime as well as with the Policy on the suitability of members of the Management body and Key function holders.

Whatever the circumstances, in the event of breach of the obligations with respect to confl ict of interests by a director, the Chairman of the Board of directors shall take all the statutory measures necessary in order to remedy it. He can, furthermore, keep the relevant regulators informed of such acts.

4.3.4. Personal declarations The director undertakes to inform the Secretary of the Board as soon as possible of any change in his personal situation (change of address, appointment, directorships, duties carried out, or criminal, civil, or administrative convictions, etc.).

In particular, and in compliance with the Policy on the suitability of M embers of the management body and Key function holders, the director shall inform, as soon as possible, the Chairman of the Board of directors of any criminal or civil conviction, management prohibition, administrative or disciplinary sanction, or measure of exclusion from a professional organisation, as well as any proceedings liable to entail such sanctions against him or her, any dismissal for professional misconduct, or any dismissal from a directorship of which he or she may be the subject. Similarly, the director informs the Chairman of the Board of directors of any criminal or civil order entered against it, administrative or disciplinary sanction or measure of exclusion from a professional organisation, as well as of any Court-ordered reorganisation or liquidation measure of which a company of which he is the manager, shareholder or partner is the subject or would be liable to be the subject.


The overall amount of the directors attendance fees is determined by the General Shareholders Meeting.

The individual amount of the attendance fees is determined by the Board of directors pursuant to a proposal by the remuneration Committee. It comprises a predominant variable portion based on actual participation in meetings, regardless of the means. Directors residing abroad receive an increased amount, except where they may participate in meetings of the Board of directors by videoconference or telecommunications means.

Actual participation in the Committees entitles committee members to an additional attendance fee, the amount of which may differ depending on the Committees. Committee members receive this additional attendance fee for their participation in each different Committee. The Chairmen of Committees receive an increased additional fee.

The remuneration of the non-voting directors is determined by the Board of directors pursuant to a proposal of the Remuneration Committee.

PART THREE THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SPECIALISED COMMITTEES To facilitate the performance of their duties by BNP Paribas directors, specialised committees are created within the Board of directors.


6.1. COMPOSITION AND SKILLS They consist of members of the Board of directors who do not carry out management duties within the Company. They include the required number of members who meet the criteria required to qualify as independent, as recommended by the Afep-Medef Code. The members of the committees have the knowledge and skills suited to carry out of the missions of the committees in which they participate.