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2018 Registration document and annual fi nancial report - BNP PARIBAS 525




Our economic responsibility: fi nancing the economy in an ethical manner

Achievements within the International Financial Services (IFS):

■ NPS was extended to IFS entities, in particular to International Retail Banking, where dedicated teams are in place at TEB BNP Paribas (Turkey), Banc West (USA), BGZ BNP Paribas (Poland), BMCI (Morocco) and UkrSibbank (Ukraine).

■ In Turkey, TEB joined the benchmark survey in 2018 and is positioned in the top 3 of the most recommended banks in the VSE and SME segment.

■ In the USA, BancWest remains one of the best positioned IRB banks in its local market. Launched last year, its Engage programme enables senior leaders/managers to go into the fi eld to meet customers and employees working in branches, call centres and Operations. The NPS is also integrated into top management s targets, and part of their compensation is indexed on it.

■ At BNP Paribas Personal Finance, the Net Promoter System is currently being deployed in 24 countries and the benchmark survey has already enabled 18 of them to position themselves in their respective markets. In 2019, it will also be deployed with partners.

■ BNP Paribas Cardif started to deploy NPS measurement 4 years ago, and is deploying the Net Promoter System in its main countries. To date, 24 out of 27 entities have deployed real-time surveys for their priority customer paths.

■ Within Wealth Management, the Net Promoter System is currently being deployed in its main sites and for different client segments.

ETHICS AT THE HEART OF SUPPLIER RELATIONS Group purchases amount to around EUR 10 billion in expenditures globally.

BNP Paribas is developing balanced relations with its suppliers, in line with its commitments.

As a French signatory to the Charter of Responsible Supplier Relations developed by the French Ministry of Economic and Financial Affairs

Inter-Business Mediation body, the Group is committed to traceability in the supplier selection process and information confi dentiality. The Procurement teams monitor the risks of mutual dependence with suppliers, and offer a dedicated appeal process (see Fostering dialogue with stakeholders, section 7.1).

In 2018, BNP Paribas published a new Sustainable Sourcing Charter that it helped draft along with three other banking institutions in France. It regularly shares the main principles with its suppliers.

Within the Group Procurement division, a Sustainable Sourcing team supports buyers and relies on some fi fty correspondents around the world.

Particular attention to SMEs

The Group deploys specific initiatives to support SMEs. In France, for example, under the partnership between Retail Banking and the Pacte PME Association, Group Procurement has worked on an action plan to improve the procurement practices with SMEs, with progress presented each year to the Pacte PME Association (see Supporting SMEs, Commitment 1). Each year, Pacte PME conducts a satisfaction survey of a panel of the Group s SME or medium-sized suppliers in France with the results discussed during a morning meeting. In France, nearly one-third of the Group s purchases are made with SME suppliers.

Permanent dialogue with stakeholders

The Procurement Function organises an annual discussion session on economic and procurement news with its partners. Discussion sessions are also organised on the fi ght against harassment as part of customer/ supplier relations.

Training for buyers

Buyers receive training on human rights, and also more broadly on responsible procurement , including in particular issues such as diversity and procurement in the protected and adapted employment sector.