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2018 Registration document and annual fi nancial report - BNP PARIBAS400



Market risk

■ the review of models can be conducted at inception (linked to an approval) or during the life of a model (re-calibration); it consists of an examination of the suitability of the model used to value certain products in the context of a given market environment;

■ the control of the use and implementation of models, consists of continuous control of the correct parameterisation and confi guration of the models as well as their suitability for the relevant products.

Reserve and other valuation adjustments

RISK defi nes and calculates reserves . These are adjustments to the market or model value affecting both the accounting valuation and regulatory capital. They can be considered either as the exit cost of a position or as a premium for risks that cannot be diversifi ed or hedged, as appropriate.

The reserves primarily cover:

■ the bid-offer spreads and liquidity risk;

■ the model or market parameters uncertainties;

■ the reduction of non hedgeable risks (smoothing digital or barrier pay-offs).

A general valuation adjustment policy exists. Reserve methodologies are documented by RISK for each product line and these documentations are updated regularly. The analysis of reserve variations is reported at the monthly VRC.

Reserve methodologies are improved regularly and any change is a Valuation Model Event. Reserve improvements are generally motivated by the conclusion of a model review or by the calibration to market information during the Market parameter review process.

Additional Valuation Adjustments (AVA) are calculated in accordance with the Commission delegated Regulation (EU) No. 2016/101 of 26 November 2015, published in the OJEU on 28 January 2016.

This delegated regulation supplements the requirements of article 105 of the CRR with regard to regulatory technical standards for prudent valuation of fi nancial instruments in the trading portfolio. It specifi es that the scope of application of these requirements covers all instruments measured according to article 34 of the CRR, based on the proportion of the accounting valuation change that impacts Common Equity Tier 1 capital.

The regulatory technical standards set out the defi nitions and a framework for measurement and control for the elements of valuation uncertainty that must be considered when determining a prudent valuation under article 105. The standard also sets a target level of valuation certainty: the Bank must be 90% confi dent that it could liquidate the instrument at a better price than the prudent valuation.

To apply these requirements, the fi rst step is to defi ne Prudent Valuation Adjustments (PVA). These adjustments correspond to the different types of risks and costs that could lead to exit costs, relative to the mid- market value (or the expected value). The main categories are the

liquidation cost, the risk related to uncertainties regarding market prices, concentration risk and valuation model risk. PVAs are calculated for each exposure on a granular level.

Based on these PVAs and for each exposure and risk type, BNP Paribas calculates the AVA (Additional Valuation Adjustments) that may be necessary, in addition to the reserves already taken into account in the valuation for the same exposure and risk type, to achieve the target valuation certainty level.

For some types of risk, the calculation of AVAs includes a diversifi cation effect, which refl ects the fact that the additional adjustments that may be necessary with respect to all positions are less than the sum of the additional adjustments that may be required for the individual positions or risks.

The AVA amounts are deducted from Common Equity Tier 1 capital.

Day One profi t or loss

Some transactions are valued with non-observable parameters. Accounting norms require the recognition of any D ay O ne P&L for non- observable transactions to be deferred where the initial model value has to be calibrated with the transaction price. The deferred net margin on reserves is recognised through profi t or loss in proportion to the anticipated duration of the transaction or the period for which the inputs will be non-observable.

RISK works with Finance, middle-offices, and business lines on the process of identifying and handling these profi t and loss items, in order to determine whether a type of parameter or transaction is observable or not in accordance with the observability rules, which are moreover duly documented and approved in the Valuation Methodology Committee.

The P&L impact of the P&L deferral is calculated by the middle-offi ce or the Finance teams, according to the scope.

Observability rules are also used for the fi nancial disclosures required by the IFRS 7 accounting standard.

MARKET RISK EXPOSURE Market risk is first analysed by systematically measuring portfolio sensitivity to various market parameters. The results of these sensitivity analyses are compiled at various aggregate position levels and compared with market limits.

Risk monitoring set up and limit setting [Audited]

The Group uses an integrated system to follow the trading positions on a daily basis and manage VaR calculations. This system not only tracks the VaR, but also detailed positions and sensitivities to market parameters based on various criteria (such as by currency, product, counterparty). This system is also confi gured to include trading limits, reserves and stress tests.