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2018 Registration document and annual fi nancial report - BNP PARIBAS62



Corporate governance report


2.1. ORGANISATION OF THE MEETINGS The Board of directors meets at least four times a year and as often as circumstances or BNP Paribas interest requires this.

Notices of meetings may be communicated by the Secretary of the Board.

The Secretary of the Board prepares all of the documents necessary to the Board meetings and arranges to place all of the documentation at the disposal of the directors and other participants in the meetings.

An attendance register is kept, which is signed by the directors taking part in the meeting. It mentions the names of the directors considered as present.

The Board of directors decisions are recorded in minutes by the Secretary of the Board which are entered into a special register, in accordance with the laws in force. The Secretary of the Board of directors is authorized to issue and certify copies or excerpts of the Board minutes. Each set of Board minutes must be approved at a subsequent Board meeting.

The decisions of the Board of directors are carried out either by the Chief Executive Offi cer, or a Chief Operating Offi cer, or by any special representative appointed by the Board of directors.

2.2. MEANS OF PARTICIPATION Directors taking part in the meeting by videoconference (visioconference) or telecommunication means enabling their identifi cation, guaranteeing their effective participation, transmitting at least the voices of the participants, and meeting, through their technical features, the needs of confi dentiality, of continuous and simultaneous retransmission, with the exception of Board meetings closing out the fi nancial statements and the annual report, shall be deemed to be present for the purpose of calculating both the quorum and the majority. The minutes state, as the case may be, the occurrence of any technical incidents if they disturbed the conduct of the meeting.




3.1.1. Relations with the Company s other bodies and with parties outside the Company

In relations with the Company s other bodies and with parties outside the Company, the Chairman of the Board of directors alone has the power to act on behalf of the Board of directors and to express himself in its name, except in exceptional circumstances, and except where specifi c assignments or duties are entrusted by the Board of directors to another director.

The Chairman makes sure that he maintains a close and trusting relationship with Executive Management. He provides him with his assistance and his advice while respecting his executive responsibilities. He organises his activities so as to ensure his availability and put his

experience at the Company s service. He contributes to promoting the values and image of the Company, both within the Group and externally.

Coordinating closely with Executive Management, he can represent the Group in its high level relationships, and particularly with major clients, public authorities and the institutions on national, European and international levels.

He ensures that the quality of relations with shareholders is maintained, in close coordination with the work of Executive Management in this area. He reports on this mission to the Board.

He ensures that principles of corporate governance are defi ned and implemented.

The Chairman is the custodian of the proper functioning of the Board of directors of BNP Paribas. As such:

■ with the support of the corporate governance, ethics, nominations and CSR Committee, with the approval of the Board of directors and of the Annual General Shareholders Meeting, where appropriate, he endeavours to build an effi cient and balanced Board, and to manage replacement and succession plan processes related to the Board of directors and nominations on which it will have to opine;

■ he can attend all committee meetings and can add any subject to the agenda of the latter which he considers to be relevant;

■ he ensures that the directors have the documentation and information necessary to carry out their duties in a timely manner and in a clear and appropriate form.

3.1.2. Organisation of the work of the Board of directors The Chairman organises and manages the work of the Board of directors in order to allow it to carry out all of its duties. He sets the timetable and agenda of Board meetings and convenes them.

He ensures that the work of the Board of directors is well organised, in a manner conducive to constructive discussion and decision-making. He directs the work of the Board of directors and coordinates its work with that of the specialised Committees.

He sees to it that the Board of directors devotes an appropriate amount of time to issues relating to the future of the Company and particularly its strategy.

The Chairman is kept regularly informed by the Chief Executive Offi cer and other members of the Executive Management of signifi cant events and situations relating to the business of the Group, particularly those relating to: deployment of strategy, organisation, investment or disinvestment projects, fi nancial transactions, risks, fi nancial statements.

The Chief Executive Offi cer provides the Chairman with all information required under French law regarding the internal control report.

He may ask the Chief Executive Offi cer or any manager, and in particular, the heads of the control functions, for any information likely to assist the Board and its committees in the carrying out of their duties.

He may hear the Statutory Auditors in order to prepare the work of the Board of directors and of the fi nancial statements Committee.

3.2. DIRECTORS They undertake to act in the corporate interest of BNP Paribas and to comply with all of the provisions of these Internal rules that are applicable to them, and more specifi cally the procedures of the Board of directors.