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2018 Registration document and annual fi nancial report - BNP PARIBAS30



Corporate governance report

2.1 Corporate governance report

This corporate governance report was prepared by the Board of directors in accordance with the last paragraph of article L.225-37 of the French Commercial Code.

The information contained herein notably takes into account annex I of European Regulation (EC) no. 809/2004 of 29 April 2004 (as amended), AMF Recommendation no. 2012-02(1) amended on 22 November 2017 ,

the AMF s 2018 report(2) and the October 2018 Annual Report of the High Committee for Corporate Governance (Haut Comité de Gouvernement d Entreprise HCGE). In addition, the complementary information referred to in article L.225-37-4-6 of the French Commercial Code on employees is given in section 7.3 "Strong Results" and section 7.4 "Our Employees" of this document(3).

(1) AMF recommendation no. 2012-02 Corporate governance and remuneration of corporate offi cers, referring to the Afep-Medef Code Consolidated presentation of the recommendations contained in the Annual Reports of the AMF.

(2) 2018 AMF report on Corporate governance and remuneration of corporate offi cers, internal control and risk management (November 2018).

(3) This information supplement the description of the diversity policy applied to members of the Board of directors.