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2018 Registration document and annual fi nancial report - BNP PARIBAS82



Corporate governance report

The Chief Executive Offi cer and the Chief Operating Offi cer are also entitled to the supplementary plan set up for members of the Group s Executive Committee, which pays out additional capital of EUR 1.10 million in the event of work-related death or total and permanent disability. The employer contribution under this scheme is recognised as a benefi t in kind.

BNP Paribas SA s annual employer contribution was EUR 1,460 per benefi ciary for 2018.

V. Holding of shares resulting from the exercise of stock options

The Board of directors has decided that the minimum number of shares that Jean Lemierre, Jean-Laurent Bonnafé and Philippe Bordenave shall be required to hold for the duration of their terms of offi ce shall be 10,000,

80,000 and 30,000 shares, respectively. The three interested parties have complied with this obligation, through the direct ownership of shares or units in the Company Savings Plan fully invested in BNP Paribas shares.

VI. Quantitative information on the remuneration of executive corporate offi cers

The table below shows the gross remuneration awarded in respect of the year, including Directors fees and benefi ts in kind, for each executive corporate offi cer.


In euros

2017 2018

Total awarded Total awarded

Jean LEMIERRE Chairman of the Board of directors

Fixed remuneration 950,000 950,000

Annual variable remuneration None None

Long-term compensation None None

Value of stock options granted during the year None None

Value of performance shares awarded during the year None None

Sub-total 950,000 950,000

Extraordinary remuneration None None

Directors s fees 62,344 63,169

Benefi ts in kind(1) 3,632 3,632

TOTAL 1,015,976 1,016,801

Jean-Laurent BONNAFÉ Chief Executive Offi cer

Fixed remuneration 1,562,000 1,562,000 Annual variable remuneration 1,576,758 1,470,245

Long-term compensation(2) 479,065 282,644

Value of stock options granted during the year None None

Value of performance shares awarded during the year None None

Sub-total 3,617,823 3,314,889

Extraordinary remuneration None None

Directors s fees 62,344 59,924

Benefi ts in kind(1) 6,127 6,507

TOTAL 3,686,294 3,381,320

Philippe BORDENAVE Chief Operating Offi cer

Fixed remuneration 1,000,000 1,000,000 Annual variable remuneration 1,009,448 941,258 Long-term compensation(2) 306,700 180,950 Value of stock options granted during the year None None Value of performance shares awarded during the year None None Sub-total 2,316,148 2,122,208 Extraordinary remuneration None None Directors s fees None None Benefi ts in kind(1) 3,953 3,953

TOTAL 2,320,101 2,126,161

(1) The Chairman of the Board of directors, the Chief Executive Offi cer and the Chief Operating Offi cer have a company car and a mobile phone. The Chief Executive Offi cer and Chief Operating Offi cer receive Executive Committee professional life insurance, for which the Company s contribution is recognised as a benefi t in kind.

(2) Value of amount awarded subject to performance conditions.