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2018 Registration document and annual fi nancial report - BNP PARIBAS510



All the information presented in chapter 7 of the Registration document has been collected by specifi c requests addressed to the functions, business lines, departments or territories of the Group, or by the use of the Group s internal management tools. It is expressly noted when the scope covered by information differs from that of the entire BNP Paribas Group.

Whatever the area of its economic, social, civic or environmental responsibility, BNP Paribas has distinguished itself through its accomplishments in 2018:

■ BNP Paribas was designated World s Best Bank for Sustainable Finance by the British magazine, Euromoney.

■ The Bank dedicated EUR 168 billion in fi nancing to sectors considered as directly contributing to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

■ The Group helped develop and endorsed the United Nation s Principles for R esponsible B anking which state the role and responsibilities of the banking sector in building a sustainable future, in order to achieve the SDGs and the climate targets of the Paris Agreement.

■ Through its Responsible Business Principles , published in December 2018, BNP Paribas made public its willingness to work with companies that share the same environmental and social standards.

■ The Group s total support to social enterprises amounted to EUR 1.6 billion.

■ BNP Paribas is one of the founding members of the Tobacco-Free Finance Pledge, launched in September 2018. This initiative brings together fi nancial institutions that have adopted policies intended to discontinue fi nancing or insuring the tobacco industry.

■ The Group signed an agreement with UNI Global Union on 7 topics relating to fundamental labour rights and the implementation of a global social framework.

■ Jean-Laurent Bonnafé, Director and Chief Executive Offi cer of BNP Paribas, joined the 8 Thematic Champions of the UN s HeForShe movement. In this way, it reinforces its commitment with all BNP Paribas employees to support all of the concrete initiatives to be achieved regarding concepts of equality and professional diversity.

■ The Group has set itself the ambitious target of one million hours of skills-based sponsorship by its employees globally in 2020.

■ The Bank has earmarked EUR 15.4 billion in funding for renewable energies, and its third-party asset management subsidiary manages EUR 6.6 billion in thematic green funds.

■ Lastly, with EUR 7.4 billion in sustainable bonds structured and distributed on behalf of its clients (as a joint bookrunner), BNP Paribas ranked 3rd in the sector globally.