2019 Universal registration document and annual financial report - BNP PARIBAS 605
8General information
Statutory Auditors special report on related party agreements and commitments
whose shares are traded on a regulated market in France or abroad, or on behalf of a banking, investment or insurance firm in France whose shares are not traded on a regulated market. As consideration for this non-compete obligation, Jean-Laurent Bonnafé will receive a payment equal to 1.2 times the total of the fixed and variable remuneration (excluding multi-annual variable remuneration) he received during the year preceding his departure. One-twelfth of the indemnity would be paid each month.
This agreement was concluded to protect the interests of BNP Paribas and its shareholders in the event of Jean-Laurent Bonnafé s departure.
Paris La Défense, Neuilly-sur-Seine and Courbevoie, 3 March 2020
The Statutory Auditors
Deloitte & Associés
Laurence Dubois
PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit
Patrice Morot
Virginie Chauvin