5492019 Universal registration document and annual financial report - BNP PARIBAS
7 a Committed Bank: information ConCerninG the eConomiC,
soCial, CiviC and environmental resPonsiBility of BnP PariBas
Our social responsibility: developing and engaging our people responsibly
Developing skills and improving employability
About Me is an HR platform for employees, managers and HRBP (Human Resources Business Partners) that has been deployed progressively across the Group since 2017. In December 2019, 180,000 employees in the Group has access to About Me, and 165,000 employees will be assessed through it. This platform, which is a key component of career management, is designed to:
■ gain a deep understanding of the skills of all employees;
■ help employees implement their development plan and pursue professional growth;
■ streamline interactions among employees, managers and HRBP and thus promote cross-functional mobility within the Group.
In December 2019, more than 1,500,000 skills were reported, allowing the skills gap to be identified that needs to be filled in the future to help make the Group s transformation a success.
As part of the HR 2020 strategy, the performance review has been simplified and digitised.
To make it easier to implement this new approach, all the steps, including managerial feedback and the Personal Development Plan, have been incorporated in the About Me portal.
Nine performance assessment principles have been established to give managers guidance.
The feedback culture is strongly encouraged: in About Me, managers can offer regular feedback to their employees; this simplifies the annual appraisal review and provides material for the development plans.
All employees also have the opportunity to write feedback for colleagues and receive feedback from them.
Forging and strengthening the Group s corporate culture
Group campuses, training centres and academies Our campuses around the world are places of knowledge that host and educate Group employees. For example, the Louveciennes and Singapore training centres have hosted nearly 35,000 and 5,000 participants respectively for training courses and seminars.
The Leadership & Management Academy is a cross-functional strategic initiative that uses a one-of-a-kind approach to disseminate key strategic information on leadership in the Group. This academy, which is essential for creating a culture of shared leadership, offers, mainly to managers, workshops on change management, transformation and innovation strategy.
In 2019, there was a large-scale deployment of the certified training course on Positive Impact Business , which was created jointly by BNP Paribas and Cambridge University. More than 160 employees who engage directly with customers have already received training meant to educate key populations about sustainable development so they can weave it into interactions with their customers. In 2019, more than 130 Top Executives (LfC 500) received training from Cambridge University in a more condensed, half-day session.
2018 2019
Total number of employees trained (including mandatory training) 203,426 202,876
Total number of employees who completed two training courses (including mandatory training courses) 190,868 198,594
Total number of training hours 4,843,539 4,424,760
(1) Source: My Learning reporting tools. This includes 98% of the Group s physical headcount on permanent or fixed-term contracts in 71 countries (change in scope due to the change in indicator only tracked in My Learning), although other employees (apprentices, employees on vocational training or qualification contracts, interns and casual workers) also receive training.
With an average of 22 hours of training per employee per year, alternative formats (videos and e-learning) continue to grow and now represent 92% of training. With these new formats, training quality is improving and further adapting to new learning methods; this explains this change in the number of training hours. Mandatory training covers sanctions,
embargoes, fraud, anti-money laundering and corruption. There was a sharp increase in training on Business line & functions (+12 points) reflecting the transformation of businesses and the need to upskill personnel as a result.