5112019 Universal registration document and annual financial report - BNP PARIBAS
7.1 Our strategy 513 BNP Paribas purpose and how social and environmental impacts are taken into account 513 Our corporate social responsibility strategy (CSR) 514
7.2 Our economic responsibility: financing the economy in an ethical manner 520 Commitment 1: Investments and financing with a positive impact 520 Commitment 2: Ethics of the highest standard 525 Commitment 3: Systematic integration and management of Environmental, Social and Governance risks (ESG) 528
7.3 Our social responsibility: developing and engaging our people responsibly 535 Commitment 4: Promotion of diversity and inclusion in the workplace 536 Commitment 5: A Good place to work and responsible employment management 540 Commitment 6: A learning company supporting dynamic professional path management 548
7.4 Our civic responsibility: being a positive agent for change 552 Commitment 7: Products and services that are widely accessible 552 Commitment 8: Combat social exclusion and support human rights 554 Commitment 9: Corporate philanthropy policy focused on the arts, solidarity and the environment 556
7.5. Our environmental responsibility: accelerating the ecological and energy transition 558 Commitment 10: Enabling our clients to transition to a low-carbon economy respectful of the environment 559 Commitment 11: Reduce the environmental impact of our operations 564 Commitment 12: Advance awareness and sharing of best environmental practices 566
7.6. Duty of care and Modern Slavery Act and human trafficking statement 569 Duty of care: 2019 BNP Paribas vigilance plan 569 Modern slavery act and human trafficking statement 573
7.7. Extra-financial performance statement 576 A diversified and intergrated model, creating value 576 Analysis of stakes, risks and opportunities 578
7.8 Table of concordance with GRI, ISO 26000, Global Compact, Sustainable Development Goals, Principles for Responsible Banking and TCFD 581
7.9 Report by one of the Statutory Auditors, appointed as an independent third party, on the non-financial information statement included in the management report 586 The entity s responsibility 586 Independence and quality control 586 Responsibility of the Statutory Auditor, appointed as an independent third party 586