2019 Universal registration document and annual financial report - BNP PARIBAS 167
4Consolidated finanCial statements for the year ended 31 deCemBer 2019
Notes to the financial statements
Exposure At Default (EAD)
The Exposure At Default (EAD) of an instrument is the anticipated outstanding amount owed by the obligor at the time of default. It is determined by the expected payment profile taking into account, depending on the product type: the contractual repayment schedule, expected early repayments and expected future drawings for revolving facilities.
Forward looking
The amount of expected credit losses is measured on the basis of probability-weighted scenarios, in view of past events, current conditions and reasonable and supportable economic forecasts.
The principles applied to take into account forward looking information when measuring expected credit losses are detailed in note 3.h Cost of risk.
Write-offs A write-off consists in reducing the gross carrying amount of a financial asset when there are no longer reasonable expectations of recovering that financial asset in its entirety or a portion thereof, or when it has been fully or partially forgiven. The write-off is recorded when all other means available to the Bank for recovering the receivables or guarantees have failed, and also generally depends on the context specific to each jurisdiction.
If the amount of loss on write-off is greater than the accumulated loss allowance, the difference is an additional impairment loss posted in Cost of risk . For any receipt occurring when the financial asset (or part of it) is no longer recognised on the balance-sheet, the amount received is recorded as an impairment gain in Cost of risk .
Recoveries through the repossession of the collateral When a loan is secured by a financial or a non-financial asset serving as a guarantee and the counterparty is in default, the Group may decide to exercise the guarantee and, according to the jurisdiction, it may then become owner of the asset. In such a situation, the loan is written-off in counterparty of the asset received as collateral.
Once ownership of the asset is carried out, it is accounted for at fair value and classified according to the intent of use.
Restructuring of financial assets for financial difficulties A restructuring due to the borrower s financial difficulties is defined as a change in the terms and conditions of the initial transaction that the Group is considering only for economic or legal reasons related to the borrower s financial difficulties.
For restructurings not resulting in derecognition of the financial asset, the restructured asset is subject to an adjustment of its gross carrying amount, to reduce it to the discounted amount, at the original effective interest rate of the asset, of the new expected future flows. The change in the gross carrying amount of the asset is recorded in the income statement in Cost of risk .
The existence of a significant increase in credit risk for the financial instrument is then assessed by comparing the risk of default after the restructuring (under the revised contractual terms) and the risk of default at the initial recognition date (under the original contractual terms).
In order to demonstrate that the criteria for recognising lifetime expected credit losses are no longer met, good quality payment behaviour will have to be observed over a certain period of time.
When the restructuring consists of a partial or total exchange against other substantially different assets (for example, the exchange of a debt instrument against an equity instrument), it results in the extinction of the original asset and the recognition of the assets remitted in exchange, measured at their fair value at the date of exchange. The difference in value is recorded in the income statement in Cost of risk .
Modifications of financial assets that are not due to the borrower s financial difficulties (i.e. commercial renegotiations) are generally analysed as the early prepayment of the former financial asset, which is then derecognised, followed by the set-up of a new financial asset at market conditions.
1.e.6 Cost of risk
Cost of risk includes the following items of income:
■ impairment gains and losses resulting from the accounting of loss allowances for 12-month expected credit losses and lifetime expected credit losses ( stage 1 and stage 2 ) relating to debt instruments measured at amortised cost or at fair value through shareholders equity, loan commitments and financial guarantee contracts that are not recognised at fair value as well as lease receivables, contract assets and trade receivables;
■ impairment gains and losses resulting from the accounting of loss allowances relating to financial assets for which there is objective evidence of impairment ( stage 3 ), write-offs on irrecoverable loans and amounts recovered on loans written-off;
■ impairment gains and losses relating to fixed-income securities of insurance entities that are individually impaired (which fall under IAS 39).
It also includes expenses relating to fraud and to disputes inherent to the financing activity.
1.e.7 Financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss
Trading portfolio and other financial assets measured at fair value through profit or loss The trading portfolio includes instruments held for trading (trading transactions), including derivatives.
Other financial assets measured at fair value through profit or loss include debt instruments that do not meet the collect or collect and sale business model criterion or that do not meet the cash flow criterion, as well as equity instruments for which the fair value through shareholders equity option has not been retained.
All those financial instruments are measured at fair value at initial recognition, with transaction costs directly posted in profit or loss. At reporting date, they are measured at fair value, with changes presented in Net gain/loss on financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss . Income, dividends, and realised gains and losses on disposal related to held-for-trading transactions are accounted for in the same profit or loss account.