542 2019 Universal registration document and annual financial report - BNP PARIBAS
7 a Committed Bank: information ConCerninG the eConomiC, soCial, CiviC and environmental resPonsiBility of BnP PariBas
Our social responsibility: developing and engaging our people responsibly
RECRUITMENT In 2019, the Group recruited 20,972 people on permanent contracts worldwide (-22%), including 3,085 in France. Representing 62% of the hires in Europe (60% in 2018), BNP Paribas reaffirms its status as a leading European bank.
For the second consecutive year, France is the top recruiting country with 15%. The United States of America (13%) and India (12%) remains very active, followed by Portugal (7%).
The Group records a voluntary turnover rate(1) of 7.6% in 2019, mainly because of the high rates of voluntary departures in India (16%), the United States of America (15%), and Eastern European countries such as Poland, Ukraine, Romania and Bulgaria (15%), partly due to local employment trends in those markets. Outside those markets, the Group s voluntary departure rate was 5.4% (3.5% for France). At Group level, the turnover(2) was 11.5% (10.5% in 2018)
A framework created by the Group to offer a personalised recruitment and onboarding experience, backed by a new employer promise
The Group is continuing to expand its social media presence. It gains nearly 200,000 followers on LinkedIn in 2019 (a 35% increase from 2018) and is ranked 1 in the 2019 Top Companies ranking in France (7th in 2018). This competition is beneficial for both candidates and Group employee pride.
BNP Paribas was awarded the Top Employers Europe certification for the 6th consecutive year in eight countries: Belgium, France, Italy, Poland, Turkey, Luxembourg, Germany and Ukraine. Employees appreciate the strong corporate culture, the support to develop their talents and the diverse range of professional paths.
A new employer promise to support candidate attractiveness and employee engagement
In a competitive job market and challenged by candidates who have high expectations of their employer, BNP Paribas, as part of its plan launched in 2017, implemented initiatives to strengthen its employer brand image and respond to the challenges of its HR 2020 strategy.
Together, committed to building a better future
The basic guiding principles of BNP Paribas strategy are the following:
■ a Sustainable & Responsible Global Leader a major player in the financial services industry that is stable and committed to acting for the common good and to helping to change the world to create a better future;
■ a learning company : BNP Paribas has a long track record of investing heavily in training and working to facilitate employees professional development;
■ an open-minded group : a group open to the world. This is demonstrated in the Group s strength in terms of diversity and inclusion. BNP Paribas was built naturally on the basis of its diversity. The never-ending search for innovation and discovery of new trends also illustrates this open-mindedness;
■ lastly thanks to its transformation: The place to work differently . The Group strives to build an organisation where people really do work differently, where collaboration succeeds, where the manager- employee relationship is grounded in trust, accountability and delegation, and where flexible work practices are developed.
(1) Calculation method: [Resignations of employees and mutually agreed departures during the year N] [Headcount present at 31/12 in the year N-1 + Hires of employees during the year N] # permanent contract and FTE employees only.
(2) Calculation method: [Employees definitevily leaving during the year N]/[Headcount present at 31/12 in the year N-1 + Hires of employees during the year N] permanent contract and FTE employees only.
Men Women 2018 Total Men Women 2019 Total
TOTAL 13,450 13,306 26,756 10,313 10,659 20,972
Domestic Markets 52% 48% 5,971 51% 49% 4,444 Europe (excluding Domestic Markets) 44% 56% 9,938 43% 57% 8,469 Rest of the world 55% 45% 10,847 54% 46% 8,059
TOTAL 50% 50% 26,756 49% 51% 20,972
(1) Physical headcount (Total in FTE on permanent contracts = 20,465).