550 2019 Universal registration document and annual financial report - BNP PARIBAS
7 a Committed Bank: information ConCerninG the eConomiC, soCial, CiviC and environmental resPonsiBility of BnP PariBas
Our social responsibility: developing and engaging our people responsibly
Training method(2) Training content(3)
Classroom based E-learning Other formats
Business techniques &
functions Risks &
Culture & awareness of
the Group & its entities
Individual skills &
France 7% 86% 7% 73% 14% 9% 4%
Belgium 13% 84% 3% 32% 36% 11% 20%
Italy 4% 59% 37% 62% 16% 14% 7%
Luxembourg 37% 60% 3% 35% 36% 23% 7%
Europe (excluding Domestic Markets) 11% 69% 20% 29% 42% 19% 9%
Rest of the world 9% 81% 10% 29% 56% 10% 4%
TOTAL 8% 76% 16% 53% 28% 12% 6%
(1) Source: My Development; Physical headcount taking into account 98% (97% in 2018) of Group headcount (permanent and fixed-term contracts). (2) % interns per method out of the total number of training sessions. (3) % interns per subject out of the total number of training sessions. An employee/beneficiary may attend several training sessions. The total is less than
100% since undetermined training sessions are not included in the report.
Employees at the forefront of their own development
In 2019, autonomy, seamlessness and content customisation were central to the skills development strategy. Throughout the year, based on dialogue with their managers, employees create and update their Personal Development Plans (PDP) in About Me. Plans are based on varied, complementary development actions that for the most part are accessible through My Development, the catalogue of Group training courses that is now more ergonomic and personalised. As they build on their PDPs, employees can receive recommendations tailored to their development needs, preferences and pace.
A dynamic offer to better develop the skills of the future
In 2017, as part of the Strategic Workforce Planning, the HR teams worked closely with the Group s business lines to identify the critical and top-priority topics and skills for the Group s transformation. The effort identified 30 future jobs in Digital, Data and Agility.
The goal of the Digital, Data & Agile Academy is to use upskilling and reskilling programmes to guide employees in developing the skills related to these new jobs and to provide managers with the levers to speed up the transformation of the BNP Paribas Group. This academy also aims to let entities pool training courses in these fields and limit the need to call on outside experts on these topics. It is also meant to help streamline internal mobility.
After a pilot phase involving a few jobs (Data Analyst, Data Scientist and Developer), the academy was opened to all employees in January 2019 and new offerings have scince been added.
In 2019, more than 600 employees from 25 countries completed the Digital, Data & Agile Academy training programme.
The integrated Legal Function rolled out the certified training offered by the Digital Legal Skills Centre (DLC2) that will help legal experts address the challenges of digital transformation in their profession (250 lawyers received training in 2019).
This innovative and ambitious training policy illustrates BNP Paribas commitment to promoting lifelong learning opportunities for employees, in line with SDG 8 (decent work and economic growth).
Intrapreneurship helps to develop skills and drive the transformation of business models, as demonstrated by the People sLab4Good, the intrapreneurial Corporate engagement programme to fully support 100% positive impact projects. The 2019 cohort consisted of 12 intrapreneurs from four countries (France, Belgium, Tunisia and Morocco) and six new projects were developed within the business lines.
Corporate volunteering work and other Group solidarity activities In 2019, the programme #1MillionHours2Help structures the ambition stated in the Global agreement to do more for civil society (NGOs, associations) by promoting the skills of employees. Through this initiative, BNP Paribas aims to foster more sustainable, equitable growth by allowing all employees to use working time to help charitable organisations build a more inclusive, eco-friendly world. This target of 1 million solidarity hours equates to around half a day of paid hours per employee per year.
In 2019, more than 26,000 employees stated that they had been involved in solidarity initiatives totalling over 450,000 hours, either during working hours or outside of working hours with compensatory leave.
In France, the Group promotes end-of-career corporate volunteering work through several agreements. In 2019, 195 employees (89 of whom started during the year) were able to participate in work with non-profit organisations lasting 6 to 24 months.
(1) An intrapreneur is an employee who develops, in-house, an entrepreneurial project with the agreement and support of the Company.