5512019 Universal registration document and annual financial report - BNP PARIBAS
7 a Committed Bank: information ConCerninG the eConomiC,
soCial, CiviC and environmental resPonsiBility of BnP PariBas
Our social responsibility: developing and engaging our people responsibly
MOBILITY There were 5,666 transfers between entities and business lines(1), a drop of 5% (5,989 in 2018). There were 2,984 in France (up 7% compared to 2018).
The Group mobility policy is a cornerstone of our HR 2020 transformation plan and is not only a key factor in hiring and retaining the best talents, but is also central to the BNP Paribas Employee Value Proposition.
The three main challenges of mobility are:
■ the development of the Company, mobility being a preferred way of matching resources to changing employment needs and skills;
■ individual development, allowing employees to develop their skills and build a motivating career path;
■ social responsibility by contributing to responsible employment management.
For the sixth consecutive year, BNP Paribas organised Mobility Days for three weeks in 43 countries, reaching 13,000 employees as a result. An Instagram campaign was launched in eight countries to provide information on the major mobility-related topics related. Many countries held Personal Development workshops to encourage employees to act on their skills development goals and to formulate their training plans.
In France, there were Mobi Live events to present some of the jobs in Advisory and Compliance. At the same time, many managers participated in a total of 35 pitch sessions to promote more than 100 open positions in the Group.
To encourage dialogue between employees who can potentially benefit from internal mobility and Business Line ambassadors, France launched its internal version of its Jobpreview platform. The purpose of this initiative is to help Group employees define their career paths. This platform completes the event-related offerings available to employees (remote chat, speedmeeting, networking, etc.) to help them see how they can put themselves forward in the Group by creating bridges between the business lines.
(1) Based on 94% of employees of the Group on permanent contracts.
2018 2019
Estimated number of positions
published Positions provided
internally % of positions
provided internally
Estimated number of positions
published Positions provided
internally % of positions
provided internally
France 4,945 1,646 33% 5,806 2,466 42%
Belgium 1,496 1,384 93% 1,276 1,480 116%(2)
Italy 615 127 21% 630 217 34%
Luxembourg 272 128 47% 198 90 45%
United Kingdom 1,630 521 32% 1,354 487 36%
Ukraine 2,405 876 36% 2,541 937 37%
Poland 1,548 276 18% 354 260 73%
Turkey 293 26 9% 414 92 22%
United States of America 5,936 1,476 26% 4,190 1,396 33%
Other countries (Algeria, Spain, Hong Kong, India, Morocco, Portugal, etc.)
6,622 709 11% 5,996 1,183 20%
TOTAL 25,762 7,169 28% 22,759 8,608 38%
Source: Extract from e-jobs and Taleo and the complementary declarations of the countries/entities. (1) On the basis of 89% of the Group's workforce (permanent and fixed-term contracts). (2) The rate is higher than 100% because some adverts are for several vacancies. In Belgium, 405 people were recruited externally in 2019.
In France, nearly 10,000 internal moves were made compared with 12,800 in 2018.
To encourage internal mobility throughout the Group, two major tools have been deployed, one with 168,092 employees in 54 countries (My Mobility), and the other with 181,807 employees in 61 countries (Taleo).