572 2019 Universal registration document and annual financial report - BNP PARIBAS
7 a Committed Bank: information ConCerninG the eConomiC, soCial, CiviC and environmental resPonsiBility of BnP PariBas
Duty of care and Modern Slavery Act and human trafficking statement
2019 RESULTS In 2019, the action plans previously defined continued to be implemented under the aegis of the Heads of the relevant businesses and functions, who are members of the Group Executive Committee.
Our employees
By the end of 2019, 94% of entities with more than 1,000 employees had already made a commitment to implement at least one of the 10 commitments of the ILO s Business Charter on Disability. The objective included in the criteria of the medium-term incentive plan of more than 7,300 key employees is to reach 100% in 2021. The partnership signed with Handicap International in March 2019 should speed up the implementation of these commitments to enable us to meet this objective.
The Group achieved its initial targets in terms of improving the gender balance of some business lines, with 50% of women in the Graduate & Talent programmes of market activities at the end of 2019. On that date, women accounted for 29% of the Group s Senior Management Position (SMP) population. The target of 31% was included in the criteria of the three-year retention plan of more than 7,300 key employees for the 2019-2021 period.
In addition, the Group was recognised in the 2019 OUTstanding 100 LGBT+ Executives and 50 Ally Executives for three of its executive role models, and in the Human Rights Campaign Foundation Corporate Equality Index 2020, which gave it a score of 100/100 in the United States of America.
The Group is continuing to develop its human rights training for Group employees directly involved in promoting human rights. At the end of 2019, 88% of the employees assigned the training had completed the online awareness module about taking human rights into account in funding decisions (compared with 85% in 2018).
Our suppliers and sub-contractors
At the end of 2019, 2,500 ESG assessments had been carried out (compared with 2,300 in 2018), and almost 1,200 Sustainable Sourcing Charters had been signed by BNP Paribas suppliers.
Regular classroom-based training sessions continued to be held on purchasing from the protected worker sector.
Our banking and financial activities
In 2019, BNP Paribas continued to strengthen its data protection system and increased its network of contacts to more than 100 at the end of 2019, in order to align its processes with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Since 2014, the Group has provided a breakdown of the electricity and energy mix that it finances. With 46% fossil sources (gas, coal and oil) and 31% renewable sources (hydro, wind, photovoltaic and other renewables), the electricity mix financed by BNP Paribas has a lower average carbon footprint than that of the worldwide mix, which consisted of 64% fossil sources and 26% renewable sources in 2018 (according to the International Energy Agency (IEA)).
At the end of 2019, the Group s exclusion list and monitoring list for managing ESG risks included 1,087 legal entities (943 excluded and 144 under monitoring), compared with 992 legal entities at the end of 2018. In 2019, the Group s CSR teams were asked to give an expert opinion in the assessment of ESG risks for 2,340 complex and/or sensitive transactions related in particular to financing, new accounts, export support, and other matters, compared to 1,627 transactions the previous year.
Among the in-depth vigilance measures which have been put in place, the business lines tested in 2019, analytical grids in addition to pre-existing systems to provide an in-depth analysis of the Bank s corporate clients operating in countries and sectors identified as sensitive in terms of human rights and the environment.
OUR COMMITMENT TO CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT BNP Paribas vigilance approach is part of a drive for continuous improvement. As such, the Group will complete, where necessary, its identification, control and management tools for identified risks, and will report on them each year in its Registration document.