2019 Universal registration document and annual financial report - BNP PARIBAS164
4 Consolidated finanCial statements for the year ended 31 deCemBer 2019
Notes to the financial statements
In the particular case of financial assets contractually linked to payments received on a portfolio of underlying assets and which include a priority order for payment of cash flows between investors ( tranches ), thereby creating concentrations of credit risk, a specific analysis is carried out. The contractual characteristics of the tranche and those of the underlying financial instruments portfolios must meet the cash flow criterion and the credit risk exposure of the tranche must be equal or lower than the exposure to credit risk of the underlying pool of financial instruments.
Certain loans may be non-recourse , either contractually, or in substance when they are granted to a special purpose entity. That is in particular the case of numerous project financing or asset financing loans. The cash flow criterion is met as long as these loans do not represent a direct exposure on the assets acting as collateral. In practice, the sole fact that the financial asset explicitly gives rise to cash flows that are consistent with payments of principal and interest is not sufficient to conclude that the instrument meets the cash flows criterion. In that case, the particular underlying assets to which there is limited recourse shall be analysed using the look-through approach. If those assets do not themselves meet the cash flows criterion, an assessment of the existing credit enhancement has to be performed. The following aspects are considered: structuring and sizing of the transaction, own funds level of the structure, expected source of repayment, volatility of the underlying assets. This analysis is applied to non-recourse loans granted by the Group.
The financial assets at amortised cost category includes, in particular, loans granted by the Group, as well as, reverse repurchase agreements and securities held by the Group ALM Treasury in order to collect contractual flows and meeting the cash flows criterion.
Recognition On initial recognition, financial assets are recognised at their fair value, including transaction costs directly attributable to the transaction as well as commissions related to the origination of the loans.
They are subsequently measured at amortised cost, including accrued interest and net of repayments of principal and interest during the past period. These financial assets are also subject from initial recognition, to the measurement of a loss allowance for expected credit losses (note 1.e.5).
Interest is calculated using the effective interest method determined at inception of the contract.
1.e.2 Financial assets at fair value through shareholders equity
Debt instruments Debt instruments are classified at fair value through shareholders equity if the following two criteria are met:
■ business model criterion: Financial assets are held in a business model whose objective is achieved by both holding the financial assets in order to collect contractual cash flows and selling the financial assets ( collect and sale ). The latter is not incidental but is an integral part of the business model;
■ cash flow criterion: The principles are identical to those applicable to financial assets at amortised cost.
The securities held by the Group ALM Treasury in order to collect contractual flows or to be sold and meeting the cash flow criterion are in particular classified in this category.
On initial recognition, financial assets are recognised at their fair value, including transaction costs directly attributable to the transaction. They are subsequently measured at fair value and changes in fair value are recognised, under a specific line of shareholders equity entitled Changes in assets and liabilities recognised directly in equity that may be reclassified to profit or loss . These financial assets are also subject to the measurement of a loss allowance for expected credit losses on the same approach as for debt instruments at amortised cost. The counterparty of the related impact in cost of risk is recognised in the same specific line of shareholders equity. On disposal, changes in fair value previously recognised in shareholders equity are reclassified to profit or loss.
In addition, interest is recognised in the income statement using the effective interest method determined at the inception of the contract.
Equity instruments Investments in equity instruments such as shares are classified on option, and on a case by case basis, at fair value through shareholders equity (under a specific line). On disposal of the shares, changes in fair value previously recognised in equity are not recognised in profit or loss. Only dividends, if they represent remuneration for the investment and not repayment of capital, are recognised in profit or loss. These instruments are not subject to impairment.
Investments in mutual funds puttable to the issuer do not meet the definition of equity instruments. They do not meet the cash flow criterion either, and thus are recognized at fair value through profit or loss.
1.e.3 Financing and guarantee commitments
Financing and financial guarantee commitments that are not recognised as derivative instruments at fair value through profit or loss are presented in the note relating to financing and guarantee commitments. They are subject to the measurement of a loss allowance for expected credit losses. These loss allowances are presented under Provisions for contingencies and charges .
1.e.4 Regulated savings and loan contracts
Home savings accounts (Comptes Épargne-Logement CEL ) and home savings plans (Plans d Épargne Logement PEL ) are government- regulated retail products sold in France. They combine a savings phase and a loan phase which are inseparable, with the loan phase contingent upon the savings phase.
These products contain two types of obligations for BNP Paribas: an obligation to pay interest on the savings for an indefinite period, at a rate set by the government at the inception of the contract (in the case of PEL products) or at a rate reset every six months using an indexation formula set by law (in the case of CEL products); and an obligation to lend to the customer (at the customer s option) an amount contingent upon the rights acquired during the savings phase, at a rate set at the inception of the contract (in the case of PEL products) or at a rate contingent upon the savings phase (in the case of CEL products).