5752019 Universal registration document and annual financial report - BNP PARIBAS
7 a Committed Bank: information ConCerninG the eConomiC,
soCial, CiviC and environmental resPonsiBility of BnP PariBas
Duty of care and Modern Slavery Act and human trafficking statement
■ the development and use of tools to manage and monitor such risks, such as specific questionnaires for activities that have salient environmental and social risks;
■ training on ESG risk management systems for Financing business lines and Control functions;
■ an operational control plan.
MEASURING EFFECTIVENESS BNP Paribas is aware of the challenges of measuring and managing modern slavery and human trafficking issues. It regularly reviews and makes improvements to its processes and policies in this area in order to continually improve their scope and effectiveness.
Policies implemented for BNP Paribas employees
One of the indicators which BNP Paribas records for this category of stakeholders is the proportion of Group employees directly involved in promoting human rights who have received specific human rights training. At the end of 2019, 88% of the employees assigned the training had completed the online awareness module about taking human rights into account in financing decisions, compared with 85% in 2018 and against an objective of 80%. Since 2016, more than 7,000 Group employees have completed this training, which is still being rolled out.
Policies implemented for BNP Paribas suppliers
One of the indicators which BNP Paribas records for this category of stakeholders is the number of ESG assessments of suppliers and sub- contractors, in particular those relating to risky procurement categories. 2,500 ESG assessments were completed in 2019 (compared with 2,300 in 2018) and nearly 1,200 Responsible Purchasing charters were signed by Group suppliers.
Policies implemented for BNP Paribas financing and investment activities
Creating and maintaining a high-quality of dialogue between the Group and the entities that it finances or in which it invests is crucial in monitoring and remedying certain issues, including human rights- related issues. Another indicator which BNP Paribas records is changes to exclusion and monitoring lists (consisting of companies with which the Group does not wish to do business, or companies subject to additional monitoring, potentially as a result of serious human rights breaches). At the end of 2019, these lists included 1,087 legal entities (943 excluded and 144 under monitoring), compared to 992 legal entities at the end of 2018.
CONCLUSION BNP used this statement in order to prepare the annual statement required by the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (United Kingdom). The statement may be consulted on the Publications page of the Group s website (https://group.bnpparibas/en/publications).
Jean-Laurent BONNAFÉ
Chief Executive Officer and Director
Chairman of the Board of directors
26 February 2020