5272019 Universal registration document and annual financial report - BNP PARIBAS
7 a Committed Bank: information ConCerninG the eConomiC,
soCial, CiviC and environmental resPonsiBility of BnP PariBas
Our economic responsibility: financing the economy in an ethical manner
■ in France, there is a specific business line for processing customer complaints. There is a dedicated team and governance arrangements for the early identification and resolution of sources of customer dissatisfaction.
Many Group entities, such as BNP Paribas Personal Finance, BNP Paribas Cardif, Retail Banking networks in France, Belgium, Italy, Morocco, Algeria, Senegal, Mali, Ukraine, Poland and Turkey and the Arval subsidiary provide access to independent ombudsmen to whom clients can turn. In 2019, France had a dedicated independent banking ombudsman service, while in Italy and Belgium, clients can contact the national ombudsman services run by the relevant regulatory bodies in those countries.
Transparency and customer input into products and services
Helping to protect clients interests, their understanding of banking products and the transparency of products and services are more than ever at the heart of the Group s concerns. The Group is even co-creating some of its products with future users:
■ in Belgium, BNP Paribas Fortis organised over 70 Customer Advice Committees in 2019 for all customer segments, in order to gather their opinions. Over 350 customers took part in one or more of these sessions, alongside sales, marketing and operations experts.
■ furthermore, in France, in order to enable customers who are deaf or hearing-impaired to access customer relationship centres (CRCs) independently and receive the information they need to monitor their savings plans, borrower s insurance or individual retirement cover, BNP Paribas Cardif is now offering a three-way meeting using video- conferencing tools whereby deaf or hearing-impaired customers can meet remotely with a sign language interpreter and a CRC adviser. In 2019, a pilot project was also rolled out to train French telephone operators on friendly communication with customers, particularly following major life events. The initiative was successful and will be extended in 2020.
Monitoring customer satisfaction
Customer satisfaction is crucial for adapting product and service offerings to demand, in order to always serve customer interests as best possible by analysing complaints and areas of notably, particularly on social networks. Thus, any evidence related to non-compliance with one or more CIP principles must:
■ be recognised, categorised, registered, and processed (potentially through mediation);
■ allow to identify risks and potential malfunctions, but also opportunities for improvement, as well as the opportunities for improvement, to be understood;
■ lead to in the implementation of corrective measures for a closer match between expected and delivered.
In 2019, average customer satisfaction scores in the four Domestic Markets were:
■ French Retail Banking: 7.51/10 (7.46 in 2018);
■ BNL BNP Paribas bc: 8.1/10 (9/10 in 2018)(1);
■ BNP Paribas BGL: 7.6/10 (7.4/10 in 2018);
■ BNP Paribas Fortis: 7.1/10 (7.7 in 2018)(1).
Net Promoter Score (NPS)
Besides measuring satisfaction, the Group is focusing on ways to permanently improve word-of-mouth recommendations by its customers. Accordingly, the Net Promoter System has been deployed within the Retail Banking & Services entities by the Client & Employee Advocacy programme teams, and allows to collect customes and employees feedback throughout of listening to customers and employees throughout their relationship with the Bank and implementing the corrective actions required to improve their experience. In this context, the Net Promoter Score is the common indicator within BNP Paribas that measures how much the Company is recommended by customers and employees.
Launched in 2013, the Net Promoter System, is currently deployed in all Domestic Markets, in India and in for individual customers services within International Financial Services.
The Group s objective is to ensure that its entities improve their rankings year-on-year in comparison with their competitors in the countries in which they are based.
Achievements within Domestic Markets ■ Banca Nazionale del Lavoro (BNL), Italian subsidiary, consolidated its position as the leading traditional bank for the 2nd year running.
■ BNP Paribas Fortis Private Banking has become one of the most recommended private banks within its market for the first year.
■ at the end of 2019, each entity knew its NPS ranking compared to its competitors for all business lines. The programme is now up and running in the Individual, Professional, Corporate and Wealth Management/Private Banking segments in France, Belgium, Italy, Luxembourg and Germany , in accordance with the deadline previously set.
■ the NPS for priority individual customer processes is continually monitored for improvement. Considerable changes to the mortgage process have led, year-on-year, to a 5-point increase in France, a 9-point increase in Italy and a 10-point increase in Belgium. In France, the new client relationship process has been simplified and digitalised, leading to a 41-point increase in the NPS.
■ over 1.4 million feedback comments have been collated, and clients with critical opinions are called back as a matter of priority. Customers main areas of dissatisfaction are identified so that corrective actions can be implemented, including those in close proximity to customers though our branches or Business Centres.
■ NPS awareness is delivered to all employees, regardless of their role. All employees and all managers working directly with customers have completed in-depth NPS training.
Achievements within International Financial Services (IFS)
■ The NPS roll-out continued in International Retail Banking countries, including TEB BNP Paribas (Turkey), Bank of the West (US), BNP Paribas Bank Polska (Poland),, BMCI (Morocco) and UkrSibbank (Ukraine).
■ NPS measurement systems and critical customer callbacks were boosted in the Retail, Wealth Management/Private Banking, Professional and Corporate segments.
(1) There have been notable changes in methodology for 2019. BNP Paribas Fortis and BNL BNP Paribas bc now conduct surveys online rather than through telephone interviews.